Talk:Scrotal Stretching

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Steel weights

This section has a lot of misinformation or personal opinion of someone who didn't like it:

"Some companies such as Mr. S. make what is basically a heavy tube of metal split in half which is held together with screws. These are very expensive (starting at $200!) and range in weight from .5lb on up."

I've seen them online starting at $40. I bought top-quality surgical steel weights in one of the most expensive countries in Europe for well under $200, and that was for one of the heavier ones!

"Disadvantages: Not only does the extraordinary expense factor in, but the equipment is hard to get. Unless one lives near a manufacturer and can shop around, he will probably waste money on a poorly-fitting device. (The diameter on mine is too narrow, and cuts the circulation off.)"

They're easy to find online, and any larger city will have a leather shop that carries them -- and lets you try them on before you buy.

"They are hard to put on, mostly because they pinch when the two halves are laid together. "

See below.

"Also, most manufactures seem to use screws with hex-endings, so an allen wrench has to be used to take it off."

So you keep an allen wrench in your wallet. Big deal.

"As with any method that uses weights, sudden trauma is also a constant concern. (Running with one of these on would be very dangerous.)"

The parenthetical statement is pure nonsense. I wear a 24oz (680g) weight nearly full-time, and I have absolutely no trouble running with them on-- which I do with it regularly as I sprint to catch public trans. In fact, after just 2 weeks of wearing weights, I was already totally OK with running down steps, hills, etc.

"Method: These are very hard to put on. In order to get all of the skin out from between the two halves, the wearer may have to spend a lot of time sliding the halves back and forth across each other. This can be painful, since it amounts to skin getting caught between two moving pieces of steel."

It took me 3 minutes the first time I put one on in the changing room at the store, and once I got the hang of it, I got it down to maybe 30 seconds. Just use some lube and make sure your twins are relaxed and it's absolutely no problem. Best to keep them shaved, though, so hairs don't get caught.

"Conclusion: Unless you have lots of money, and don't mind pain, try another method."

You need be neither rich nor masochistic to like weights. I am neither, and I love wearing weights.

I'm rewording this section to a neutral tone and content.

--tooki 17:57, 23 September 2010 (UTC)