John Blake

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John Blake is a piercer currently living in Aberdeen, Scotland.

John is the piercer in Retro Rebels, a Tattoo And Piercing Shop in Aberdeen, offering all types of conventional piercings, as well as surface piercings and microdermal work.

John started his piercing career at the age of 18 with an apprenticeship in Angels of St. Andrews, before moving onto Metalurgey in Dundee. Before moving to his current position, he spent some time traveling and studying.

John has been featured on ModBlog numerous times, most notably for his ear flat sub-dermal implants, and for performing a crack-hawk piercing.

He is also due to be featured in the UK's Bizarre magazine for encasing his amputated nipples in 30mm resin plugs.

John can be contacted through his IAM page: JohnBlake