Adzy Shotgun

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Adzy Shotgun was born in 1982 and has been piercing professionally since 2000, first at Encounters Body Piercing in Fremantle, Western Australia and then holding the position of Manager and Head Piercer at Steel Candy Body Piercing in Subiaco, Western Australia. He expanded his knowledge to cutting, branding, pocketing, beading and subdermal implants, often using Todd Denzil-Williams as a guinea pig, until his skills were good enough to perform on the general public. Adzy also helped and taught Ryan Mulholland of Circus Carnis correct piercing technique.

Adzy Shotgun also performed with "The Extreme Team," one of Australia's first Side/Freak Shows.

At this time, Adzy has taken a brief hiatus from body piercing to expand his skills in other areas. He married Mimes Kingston in 2006.

Two local terms now in use in his home town can be credited to Adzy Shotgun: "Killer Whale" (a very deep dolphin piercing) and the "DeLonge" (a tongue in cheek term for an off centre labret worn with a CBR). The latter is named for Tom DeLonge of Blink 182 fame (though it must be said, Adzy really doesn't like the band).