Modern Primitives (book)

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Modern Primitives
Modern primitivescover.gif
Author V. Vale, Andrea Juno
Genre Culture Studies
Country Hong Kong
Publisher RE/Search Publications
Published October 4, 1989
Language English
Pages 212
ISBN 0965046931

Modern Primitives, published in October of 1989 by V. Vale and Andrea Juno, is a book of information, interviews, and photography not only dealing with modern body modification practices including tattooing, piercing, scarification, and ritual, but the tribal and primitive origins of these practices.

From the back cover:

MODERN PRIMITIVES: An anthropological inquiry into a contemporary social enigma - the increasingly popular revival of ancient human decoration practices such as symbolic/deeply personal tattooing, multiple piercings, and ritual scarification. "Primitive" actions which rupture conventional confines of behavior & aesthetics are objectively scrutinized. In context of the death of global frontiers, this volume charts the territory of the last remaining underdeveloped source of first-hand experience: the human body.

(Vale, 1989)