Megasurvey Feedback

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Megasurvey Feedback

The following comments were left by people who filled out the survey. I have not ommitted any or edited these in any way, and this is the complete set as of November 26, 2003.

Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, Canada
thank you</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
theres a typo in the tattoo says piercing where it means tattoo</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
iam/bme is one of the only places i have ever felt at home and with friends.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, Canada
that was actually pretty entertaining.</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, Canada
That's it? Hope this goes to some use. Glad I could help.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
about that paragraph saying how baised and limited all body mod surveys/studies have been... i was wondering, don't you think this one is the same in a sense(although to a much lesser degree) that it's limited to only people that are into this kind of thing and not so much the general public? it just seems that people on iam are more educated about this sort of stuff. so in the same way as the other surveys have probably had results from people with particularly bad experiences and probably didn't know what they were doing, this one shows results from people that knew more about what they were doing and had better experiences. i'm just saying, that this doesn't seem to represent the general public, but iam. but i guess that just shows people that you should do your research.

also i had some errors saying page cannot be displayed, but kept clicking back and re-submitting until it worked. not sure if it was problems on your side or mine. or in the middle.</td></tr>

Age 31 - 35 Bisexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
very interesting. I'm certain that your demographic and statistical info are going to interest a lot of people.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Very good survey, In depth. I had some problems loading the last few pages, so I hope it didn't affect anything.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Poland
Great survey! Hope the results are appreciated by the world...</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Canada
on the hairstyle - you should add bald (shaved) and bald (naturally)</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, France
found it very funny that you'd list 'goth' and 'atheist' as religions... :)</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, Belgium
Quite a long and nice survey, hope it gives some clear data on the group we are.<p>

<p> Some of the answers were rather "american" and thus I picked those that the mostle equalled the european version.<p> <p> Good work of everyone involved in putting it together!</td></tr>

Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Croatia
I'd just like to add that body modification is great, since no one can make themselves the way they want to look at birth, they can do so as they grow up, to adjust their body to fit their internal self image. And also the fact that you can have control over what you look like, and to be able to construct your own appearance the way you want to.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
thank you for involving me, its a great pleseure to part of a fantastic team! :)</td></tr>
Age 41 - 50 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Canada
Having access to BME has been a very positive influence in my life and has/is helping me to resolve body/self image and emotional issues that have their roots in childhood abuse.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
The reason I marked that there should be no limit in terms of what age a person could be legally pierced/tattooed at is beacuse I don't believe that it should be legislated except in cases of genital piercing.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, Canada
BME is one of the best sites out there. Truely life changing.</td></tr>
Age 17 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
I really hope this survey affects the body modification community positivly and not negativly. I thinkit was am awesome idea and very worth while.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The survey is pretty much spot on (except for the tipping your piercer/tattooist - am I the only mean bastard who never has? There's no box for me!), though it might be worth removing the text before you go into it - all that stuff about inaccurate and negative information about us might lead to someone answering questions more positively than honestly.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
There was an error on the "how do you rate your sexual performance from your partners point of view" the answer was "not every good" where it should be "not very good"</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
This was a good idea. I'd be very interested to see if this survey proves/disproves my existing notions of the BME cross-section.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Canada
you should have a thing listing how long this thing will take, liek a percentage or somethig, cause it's a fucking long survey</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I was really surprised at how emotional this survey was.... brought out some issues.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
word up its fresh</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
By far one of the most through surveys I've taken. But it was interesting because not only did you ask demographical (is that even a word?) but you asked questions about piercings, tattoos, and other mods which is nice for a change...most surveys don't even bother with personal questions such as that. Thank you guys for always doing an awesome job with .. well .. everything!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Female, Canada
Thank you, Shannon. While you're trying to learn about 'us' I learned quite a lot about myself. In order to answer honestly I had to really think about some of the questions and learned more about myself as well. I hope this all comes together easily and well, and it will be interesting to see the final results once they're tabulated!</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
There were several questions that stumped me and left me a little uncertain as to how to answer. The first being the number of children I have. I am in a monogamous relationship with my live-in partner. Although I do not have children of my own, he does. I believe I answered this question as "uncertain/do not know," but I do consider his child as mine.<p>


The second series of questions that were a little difficult to answer were regarding the family. A good majority of people live with divorced and remarried parents. Personally, I lived with my Mother and Stepfather for a good majority of my life, before my Stepfather came in my Mother's life, I lived with my Mother and Grandfather. I have had quite a few "Father Figures" in my life and was uncertain as to how to answer the Father-related questions. I answered my the questions with my biological Father in mind, but he had very little to do with my upbringing. Maybe some of these thigs can be clarified in the future?</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, Canada
holy eff!<p>

that was long..</td></tr>

Age 22 - 24 Bisexual Female, United States of America
Well, I hope it worked, a couple of times I had to try more than once to get the pages to load. Good luck with this survey!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
That was an awesome survey</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The schooling questions by "grades" aren't really suitable for my country, and probably others.</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Germany
</td> about making me think. I hope this is of some use to you :)<p>


Age 16 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
i love bme</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
I have tattoos on my fingers, I wasn't sure to put that for my hands or other. There are some questions that should be check if any apply i.e: religion, I'm a jewish atheist, it is possible to be both, but i am a jew far before i'm an atheist. (I hope that doesn't identify me too much, but I don't think that carries any weight to it.) Other than that, the survey was fine, no real complaints, but I thought it would be longer.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Although the utmost effort has obviously been made to give all the options possible, and when neccessary the option of "N/A", on several answers I still had difficulty finding the correct answer. Nothing major, but for example, when asked about if Mods had received negative response from people.. I checked "Employer", although it was my previous employer, and my current one is cool with everything.<p>
 Not sure that is important...but gimme a comments form, and comments is what you'll get.  Good survey, though.  :)</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
that was fun!</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
BME is home...i feel free to be myself here...the people are accepting of all and that makes me feel good about myself!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Thankyou so much x</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Transgender M2F (in progress), United States of America
some questions i was'nt sure the instance they ment<p>

"none of the above" would have been nice in some cases<p> it was interesting</td></tr>

Age 51 - 60 Gay/Lesbian Male, United States of America
Sheesh, I'm sleeved and multiply pierced and stretched and yet I feel so wimpy after having taken the survey! I have a lot of stuff to accomplish! Where do I start?<p>

I don't know if you can at this point, but I think in questions about family/parents, that a check box for "deceased" might be good, as it would more accurately show the current status (like the job questions, etc.).<p> Well-done effort. I look forward to the results.</td></tr>

Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
the united kingdom and northern ireland are not a country,its england scotland wales republic of ireland and n.ireland.just being anal.cant wait to see the results : )</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
I am so glad BME has decided to do this for the public. I can't wait to see the squashing of stereo-types that I think will come from such a survey.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
there were several occasions on a 'pick one' question that I wished it were 'check all that apply' e.g. religion question. It also might have been relevant to ask something like 'do you feel more or less "different" since you have been intentionally modded' and 'what made you feel "different" before you were intentionally modded' not to mention, 'do you have any other non self inflicted mods such as surgical scars, birth defects, etc.' Or maybe those are just the</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
This was really cool. I am glad you guys descided to do this.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Canada
This was very well done. As a student of sociology who has taken survey design courses, I feel that this will paint a good picture of each individual who tkaes the survey and will be easy to draw fairly accurate conclusions from.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
That was quite a long survey, and warrants the name Mega...</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
one of the questions was "should body piercing be allowed in schools?" body piercing in that context could be used as a verb or a noun. there is a pretty big difference between performing a body piercing in school vs having one in school.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
For my part 'school' is university, so my comments may not be representative of those 10 years younger than me in high school, for example.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Question 9-28 refrences scarification but the questions denote answers for piercing.</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
none at this time.....:)</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I am quite impressed by this survey, it asked questions that I have never seen asked on a survey. It put a smile on my face. Thank you.</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
the suvery was really great, hope it helps with whatever its being used for :)</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Canada
Thank you for taking the time to build this, as i hope it should represent us better then current methods.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
well done. covered many topics of importance in relation to me becoming a moded person.</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Gay/Lesbian Male, Luxembourg
in the family section, there was no chance to tell you that my beloved mother died some years ago.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Italy
wouldnt it be a better world if peopel wouldnt be looked down for having modifications? haha what a nice fairy tale</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I speak Armenian, I believe that's a langauge, yet it wasn't on your list of langauges spoken and written fluiently.</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Fun Fun Fun, I had to do that twice, Fucking computer Crashed TWICE!!! GRRRRRR!<p>

<p> Fun Fun</td></tr>

Age 31 - 35 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
in section 9, re: scarification, there is an error asking if someone got scarred, and the only option is to put "no piercings"</td></tr>
Age 51 - 60 Gay/Lesbian Male, United States of America
Good survey! Would have liked to see "sounding" in the "activities" section</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
this made me think a lot about my self in general. thank you.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I found myslef choosing the lesser of 2 evils in a few instances in the survey (ie: Hairstyle: Racical, Normal, Conservitave? My heads shaved..) But over all, pretty well put together.</td></tr>
Age 16 Heterosexual Male, Canada
I will do anything in my power to help support BME.</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Female, Canada
I think it's a great idea that someone finally decided to get a better survey going on the subject. I'm glad I got to be a part of it, thanks Shannon/BME!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
Just going through this survey puts all of the things I've wanted to do or try or never heard of before all out on the table for me to think of. It doesn't make me any more or any less of a person, just myself!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
i think there should be some more selections in the career section to choose from. thank you</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
hope i helped out the community!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
Satanist is missing from the list of religions.</td></tr>
Age 17 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
Great in depth survey. Hope it does what you want it to. :o)</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual Male, Canada
There was a question a few pages back that was about scarrification, but one of the answers refered to piercing.</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
This was really interesting. Will be very excited to see the results, whenever they're ready. There's one mistake I caught in the survey though - on scarifications. At the "what age did you" question, the "no" response says "no piercings" when it should say "no scarifications". <p>

<p> Good work on the survey! :)</td></tr>

Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Canada
Athiesm is not a religion. <p>

<p> Sidenote: I AM an athiest, and I am spiritual. One doesn't need god for spirituallity.</td></tr>

Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I'm excited to see the results of the survey. I own a martial arts studio in a small town in the southeast, and the attitude or mindset of the town is still very conservative. So there is a definitive duality that I have regarding my viewpoints on life and bodyart. I hope this comment did make sense.....</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Female, United States of America
perhaps a question about how you feel about people with less mods and more mods to see if there is a stigma within body modification?</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Just to clarify - in the drug section - when asked if substance use has been positive/negative, and I wrote positive - I meant currently ... as I do not do most of those things any more - once upon a time it affected me very negatively.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I believe that IAM and BME are a postive thing for the modified community and i appreciate them being around for the modified community.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Canada
There are a few mistakes in the servay: no piercings in either a tatoo or scarification part, and in many places it is ambiguous wether to choose "no" or "not applicable".<p>

<p> </td></tr>

Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
there was a typo in the bigger penis question ¤_¤</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
not bad</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
more surveys, i like them =)</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, Canada
i had a lot of fun answering this survey!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, Canada
Why no SATANIST under religion?</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Your bias shows in the political questions. I chose to answer most as "ambivalent" because the options were too black and white, which the world is not.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Sabar upar manus satya; tahar upar nahin. - Chandidas</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual Female, Canada
on the scarification box it says No Piercings, rather than no scarifications</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
I think that this survey was great. There were some points that i wished i could expand on further than the choises that were givin, maybe that could be something that people who don't mind be non-anonymous could do???</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Sweden
hi there, good survey, really!... I'd be happy if there was a chance to download it and print it out, would be fun to perhaps see what my girlfriend would answer and discuss stuff... also, I have some comments:<p>
  • on one of the questions about scarification, the tickbox said "no piercings", which I took as "no scarifications", but it was a little confusing...<p>
  • I'm studying to become a psychologist and I work parttime taking care of people with scizofrenia.. sadly, I couldn't find any appropriate tickbox for any of this in the carrerchoice questions.....<p>
  • for me (being male), it was unclear if vaginal virginity was the same as having sex with a girl for the first time, due to me not having a vagina... possibly I'm just not as fluent in english as I should be, but hey, worth a mention.. :) ...<p>

<p> question: can the results be viewed somewhere?...<p> <p> again, thanx for a good survey!</td></tr>

Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, Canada
This was a great survey, very thorough.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Interesting survey.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
very thorough, excellent questions</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual Female, United States of America
I felt a little uncomfortable answering "yes" to some of the questions, because I am old enough and have been involved in the scene long enough to no longer be connected to those things - for instance, I once took out a piercing because a partner disapproved, but that was over ten years ago and that bears no relation to my current feelings on the subject! Also, I checked boxes for "took part in..." for many of the body play related questions, although my part was as a piercer or top rather than as a direct participant/piercee, since there was no option for "have taken part in but not done personally." I am currently too heavy to suspend but I am actively part in helping other people do so, and will suspend myself eventually. Just to clarify.</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
one question just a few pages back asked about when you got your first scarification, and the first option was "no piercings" other then that the only problem I found was sometimes the page wouldnt load, I actually had to start over once because of that, another time I just hit back.<p>

and it's not loading the next page once again!</td></tr>

Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Canada
good survey.. can't wait to read the results!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, Denmark
Thank you for finally giving us the chance to show the world that we are worthy members of society.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, Canada
it was a wonderful survey and i am excited to see the results!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
i have found that the more modifications i have got, the less i feeel the need to express my *alternative* ness in my clothes and hair, and thus wear more *fashionable* things because i feel it is said in my mods.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
i just want to include the fact that had i not found BME and recognized that modification is a universal (mostly surpressed) need, i probably wouldn't have had the information necessary to be who i am today, and to have achieved it in a safe and sanitary manner. thank you, shannon.</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
i'd like to see how this turns out + is used in the future - it seems like a cool idea, thanks!</td></tr>
Age 14 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Way cool survey. Thanks for the free month.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, Canada
Thank you Shannon for doing so much for the bod mod community, everyone i know that is a part of it appreciates everything you have done.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I like my mods. I don't get them for others; if I based my mods on others I wouldn't have any, because that's the "correct" way to be. I look fairly normal at the moment. I'm not one to be outrageous, really. I'm quiet, polite, and a good student. Not that any of this makes any difference. What's funny is that no matter how I've looked, I've always been shy, and when a random person says some horrible thing to me, I don't fight them, I thank them for their opionion and move on. That's what tells me I get mods for myself. Mods or no mods I seem to get taunted, "made fun of" every time I leave my house. People are going to be mean to each other no matter what someone looks like. I can't BELIEVE the audacity of some people. I would never ever ever ever mistreat/taunt someone (particularly a stranger) because of the way they look, their hair, their clothes, whatever. When I was a little kid, and taunted every day, I thought things would change once I was older. That's not true though. College students aren't much better, and neither are professionals. It's sad. I don't understand what makes others do it. I guess I never will.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Thanks for the free month! Hope this helps out!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
wow, that was an intense survey!</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
This is the greatest site/ezine I've ever seen, and I hope it continues to be around for a long time. It has given me knowledge, and a sense of belonging I wouldn't have ever gotten anywhere else. Thank you!</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual Female, United States of America
This survey was awesome. It helped me learn a lot about myself that I haven't thought about in a while. I don't know what you are going to do with this, but I can tell it's a good thing</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Female, United States of America
Mods help me to express on the outside who I am on the inside.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
that is the most comprehensive survey I have ever filled out or seen in my life.</td></tr>
Age 15 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
I find it irritating that Goth would be included as a religious option. I realise that perhaps the writer(s) of this survey may not consider it a religious option, and therefore put it within quotes, but the fact that it is present implies that some individuals consider it a religion. This offends me, because I'm highly fed up with others assuming I have a certain religion (mostly the worship of Satan - not Satanism by definition) simply because I choose a certain lifestyle. To make this comment have potential of being useful, however, I will say that I've noticed that those within the body modification community have been, usually, much more understanding of various alternative lifestyles and life decisions.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
would be good to know the number of questions before starting it!!!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I also read Latin more or less fluently. My job is Polymer Chemist.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, Canada
your body, your life, your choice...mod-on!</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Thank you for this mega-survey. I have learned more about myself by taking this. I whole heartedly appreciate this and the other work being done to make our community come close together and unite in the world which we all live.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, Canada
Thank you for the extra month.</td></tr>
Age 16 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Female, Canada
I quite liked the survey, however, i didn't know what to put for my job...i clean tools at the local modification shop so i just put medical.</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, Japan
I look forward to seeing the results of the survey.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual Female, Canada
I found it hard to answer on the employment fields. There was no self employed option for my father and my own field wasn't included (social work/psychology/youth worker, etc.)</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Female, Canada
I had expected it to be much longer. There were areas that were absent that would have been of great importance to the outcome - mostly about what a person does in their spare time, how much family contact they have, how many friends they have, what level they are in their employment, do they belong in community groups, things like that. It's great to know about general items and to get biographical information about people but I would think that what these people do in their spare time would be of great value as well. I'm sure the general public thinks that modded people are very wild at home as well, they may be surprised to know that we live normal lives just like everyone else. A good section would have been for parents to fill out about their children - are they part of the PTA, etc. Perhaps on the next survey.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
Some of the questions were not appropriate or clear -- the comparisons in some were not easily understood and/or missing some options, especially for some of the more personal questions.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
I'm really glad you're doing this survey- I've always wondered where bme people lie in demographic contexts</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
That was long :D</td></tr>
Age 16 Heterosexual Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
I would just like to thank everyone who has kept BME running and updated....this has been the greatest discovery of my life and i just wanted to say thanks for letting my be a part of it :)<p>

<p> </td></tr>

Age 17 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Female, Canada
in general, the service industry responds exteremly negitivily to modified people. many times i've been flat out ignored at resturants, and other friends have had the same expericences.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Thank you for providing such a wonderful site, where I can express myself and am never judged for my feelings or opinions.</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
having the ability to be in the IAM community has answered a lot of my questions about body modification, and introduced me to many things i never even thought possible. overall, it has been a very positive experience. thanks!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I think the questions about what age to be allowed to pierce at aren't very good. Age is isn't as important as maturity and responsibility levels.<p>

<p> Oh, and atheism isn't a religion. ;)<p> <p> I did, however, like the fact that questions were included as to how people have modified themselves in the past as well as the present.</td></tr>

Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I enjoyed the survey...I think that it will portray a current body mod. person much better than any political figure or medical figure will</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
how is this completely anonymous when we get a free month of IAM. wouldnt that mean you know who we are?</td></tr>
Age 16 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Canada
excellent work i hope to see the results soon</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
I'd answer a bme Megasurvey for a klondike bar</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
It's nice to eventually have a survey of our comminuty that doesn't dicriminate from the begining. I'm proud to have taken part!!</td></tr>
Age 41 - 50 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Interesting how certain questions were written to allow only one "good" answer, especially in the socio/political areas.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
caught one typo, can't click back to see where it was. it was somewhere near section 9, used "to" instead of "of" or something like that.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Canada
Wow, that was a MEGA survey!!! Time to fill it up took about an hour. <p>

<p> Pleased to help!</td></tr>

Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
Very nice survey, I hope to see more in the future, love taking them and always happy to help BME.</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Thank you for making the BME/IAM community available and prosperous. I hope that the community continues for many years.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
My GAWD! This was a LOOONG survey!!!<p>


Age 17 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Thought this was a great survey and enjoyed taking it. Although most of it did not apply to me what did I thought were very important questions!</td></tr>
Age 13 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Rockin' survey, a little long but coolness! Thanks for the free month! By the way, love the site!</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
its kinda long dude</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
I think tht in the section of who did your piercing, tattoo or shoud have an option of friend/partner who is a professional body peircer, tattoo artist ect.<p>

There are allot of people on Iam who are professional piercers and are all friends, so having this as an option in son=me of the questions would be more appropriate.</td></tr>

Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Age 18 Heterosexual Female, Canada
I think that this is just what the IAM community needed. We will be better able to recognize the relationships between body modifications and lifestyle s long as people answered the questions with truth and honesty to themselves and the survey. <p>
  Personally, I've always felt that body modifications can be linked to low self-esteem and mental problems, but many people will not admit to this. It has been studied for years that physical pain is an escape from mental pain, yet very few people seem to acknowledge this. Well, I'd better leave before I go on a rampage.</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
its not actually as long as i thought and its really interesting when u get going!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
There was a question a few pages back regarding whether I feel as if my race is superior to any or all others. I answered accordingly since the question actually referred to siin color. In reality my answer would be yes, my race is superior, because my race is the human race.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
I was born in England. I would like to be identified as English, not British or from the United Kingdom.</td></tr>
Age 17 Heterosexual Male, Brazil
Nice questions =)<p>

and toooooo big!</td></tr>

Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
CRAZY MAN. This thing is long O_O</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
thank you for providing me with an outlet for my personal life and means to reach other people with my inerests! keep up the wonderful work.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Since I'm from the UK, the whole "health insurance" stuff is kind of irrelevant. Because I am unemployed I get free healthcare, prescription medication, eye care and dental care on the NHS. Ohh, and for my parents jobs, my mother is a Registered Childminder, and my father a Stores Technition for a company that builds earth moving equipement (wasn't sure what section that fel under). Hope the survey goes well.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I am definately interested to hear what all this data is being collected for (when the project is done, of course).</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual Male, Cuba
some of the questions and answeres were fairly limited but, overall very open.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Canada
you're welcome</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, Canada
This is the best survey I have fille dout to date...and I do as many as I come across...I have no life...*shrug*<p>

<p> Thank you for getting me to think my decisions over, the choices for the answers.<p> Things make a little more sense while some other things make less...<p>

...but I do know that mods help me be me...this place helps me be me.<p> <p> Thank you.</td></tr>

Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I am much less involved with body modification now than I used to be, and it will probably stay that way, however, I look back on those times very positively and would never wish for any change.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
i can't wait to see the results- this is a seriously comprehensive survey!</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
This is an amazing community. I feel blessed to be here and deeply appreciate the effors of Shannon and everyone who works to bring this community about. Thank you!</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
I just want to say that modifications have deffinetly affected my life in such a healthy positive way.Having a safe intelligent community to come into to learn more about procedures,practices and health care has made me feel more safe and more educated on modification.Bme and Iam is where I go to learn more about myself and others all around the world.This is where I go when I want to learn more about a mod or procedure I'm interested in doing.Thank you shannon for creating these 2 safe informative places for me to safely and securly go about my quest with modification.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
this survey was interesting, we should have more more often</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Thank you very much for taking the time to create this!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Gay/Lesbian Female, United States of America
45 minutes my butt... THIS took a lot longer than that...</td></tr>
Age 51 - 60 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
Good questions.</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Heterosexual Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
no questions about artistic influence and taste outside of body modification, i think it could be significant</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, South Africa
Questions relating to scarification I have answered with self-injury style cutting in mind since it left permanent scars. If this isn't what you meant then count these as 'never/not applicable'.</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual Female, United States of America
Im really Glad that you are doing this "Megasurvey" Its about time people learn what the bodymodification community is really like.. Thank you for BME and for everything you have contributed to all of us</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
bme is excellent keep it up guys, you offer great advice and photos that make piercings and tats a lot clearer and your experience stories offer a deeper understanding. without you i wouldnt have got my nipples or septum pierced as where i live no-one hardly has either done so i was never exposed to it. thank you.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
I think a survey like this is long overdue and Shannon (and BME)is the perfect choice for carrying such a thing out.<p>

<p> I will be interested to see the outcome, and what possible uses this could be put to.<p> <p> </td></tr>

Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Thanks you for including UU on your list of religions. I hope this survey serves its purpose.</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Female, Canada
There are some areas that I strongly feel could have been better clarifies and may lead to unclear or even misguided interpretation.<p>

1) Job Title. It did not allow for people like me who have more than one.<p>

I am a self-emplyed body-artist, but I am also an aromatherapist and energy healer and do all of the above in my studio. There are many of us who require more than one skill set to remail self-emplyed. This is an interesting phenomena and will not show up in the survey due to the demand for only one choice.<p> <p> 2) There was a question about bodmod impact on our work-place. Question was something to the effect of "do I feel my mods affected the following individuals view of me in a negative/positive light?" For this of us who are self-employed, the word "client" should have been included. As someone who is self-employed I do not have a boss or co-workers. I do have clients and I feel that my mods impact their perception of me in a positive way.<p> <p> 3) Sexual history/activity.<p> There were a number of activities and only some of them included "give or receive". There were a number where both choices would have applied - i.e fisting, among others.<p> <p> I have done a lot of play piercing and fisting, but have only given and not received. My reply (I still clicked "yes" to all) may be misinterpreted.<p> <p> 4) Race<p> As a Portugues Canadian I identify as Mediterranean. There are many other Portugues Candians on IAM who probably feel the same way. Although we are technically Caucasian, those of use raised in Canada ( cannot speak for other places) have been told time and again by AngloCanadians that we are not "White". Many of us have come to identify, and proudly, as Mediterranean. You may wish to include this classification in your next survey.<p>

<p> End Note<p> In future, I believe (as a former Anthroplogy student)that when having "other" as an option, it would be beneficial to have a blank for filling in. You may be surprised at some of the consistencies.<p> <p> Hope my comments help.</td></tr>

Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I thank you for the opportunity to be apart of helping out in the body modification community.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Shannon, thanks for giving us IAM! I'll always be a member here.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual Female, United States of America
very well thought out questions</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual Female, Canada
it was long but it helps out.</td></tr>
Age 17 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
That was long. We need more dancing robots to liven it up.</td></tr>
Age 41 - 50 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
While I thought this was a good survey, I think that there were some areas that you could have delved into a bit deeper. Sexuality would have been one of those areas.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
it took sooooo long. oh god. i think i need an aspirin.</td></tr>
Age 51 - 60 Asexual Eunuch (castrated), United States of America
Good survey,</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Thank you for the opportunity to describe myself in such detail, and for the very generous free month at IAM.</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual Female, United States of America
this was absolutely an awesome survey, very thorough and tastefully done, thank you!</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual Female, Sweden
A very good survey. Liked the questions :)</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, Canada
What a fabulous survey. I hope this survey gives you an accurate "cross-section" of the people involved.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, Brazil
debtor for wanting to know my thoughts on all these subjects I am happy in contributing for BME poque it is as if second house was mine <p>

<p> obrigado por querer saber meus pensamentos sobre todos esses assuntos.<p> fico feliz em contribuir para BME poque ele é como se fosse minha segunda casa<p> <p> </td></tr>

Age 25 - 30 Gay/Lesbian Male, Australia
Glad to be a part of it!</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Female, United States of America
Didnt take as long as I thought it would</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
what a really good uidea, its about time we had an acurrate picture of the modded comunity.</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I felt the job titles were limited. No mention (unless I missed it) of executive or manager titles. I'm in financial services, but I'm not a bank teller (I'm in private equity). Again, no fully appropriate title for what I do.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
This was a great survey!</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
For the record since it wasn't asked; I used to have to hide lots of piercings while in the military(in the 80's).</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
there should be an option under 12-11 for spiritual but not religious. there should also be options for deceased mother and deceased father, as well as step parent sections.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
I am very heavily tattooed but nobody would ever be able to tell with the way I dress.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
my father is an electrician and i couldn't decide which category that fell under.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, Canada
BME RULES!!!!! WOOT!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Canada
Kind of found portions of it not broad enough...I do not classify myself really as racial, other then of the human race...With religious/spiritual questions...I'm pretty much none of it, because I find myself to be just spiritual. Really good survey to figure out the demographics though!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
nifty long survey...took up some boring time that i wasnt with my fiancee!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Thank you for letting me help. :D</td></tr>
Age 41 - 50 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I'm glad you put in the comments part.I asked wlfdrgn about doing it.I just wanted to say I hate doing surveys and I run off anyone who comes to the house for stuff like that.Like census takers</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
You should be able to choose multiple religions. And a question about what religions have you belonged to, but no longer practice.</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Gay/Lesbian Female, United States of America
I wish that you had made a distinction on questions 12-5 and 12-6 between tattooing and piercing. I, like many people with whom I speak, feel very differently about the pain from the different types of procedures. In my case, I love tattoo pain and find it to be a great release, and wish that it hurt more, while I do not like piercing pain and I wish that it hurt less. Apart from that, I think that this survey is great.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
For the "Do you cover up your tattoos when.." questions I had to answer "always" to all of them because my tattoo is on my pubic region, not because I'm embarassed to show it off.</td></tr>
Age 41 - 50 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Germany
I like to do electro play on both nipples, genitals, anal on a regular basis.</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Germany
missed the question: motive of body modification ( religious, sexual, self adornment.....</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
there should definitely be more surverys. i highly enjoyed this one and look forward to more. thanks to shannon and/or whoever put this into play.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
There were a few questions (Would you remove piercings for a better job and the one following) that could have done with a "Maybe" option. Some of us really are that ambivalent. :P</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
i love you</td></tr>
Age 16 Heterosexual Male, Canada
excellent survey. Very wide variety of questions and choices. GOOD JOB!</td></tr>
Age 16 Bisexual Female, United States of America
wow this was long.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I wish that the option of "Spouse" was othered, not simply "Partner", as I am married. I personally believe that marriage stats would be interesting. My answers may seem ridiculously positive, but I was very honest in answering them. Thanks to all who developed this great survey.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, Canada
You missed out on listing a few languages.</td></tr>
Age 17 Bisexual Female, Poland
aside from this survey being extremely long.. it was alright. the only problem i had with it was when asked to choose how much i agree with the different statements.. "not a concearn" or "dosen't care" should be included as an option.</td></tr>
Age 17 Bisexual Female, United States of America
That didn't take me 45 minutes, it wasn't that long !</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Very indepth.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
That was the most indepth survey i've ever taken, and i'm glad that i did it!</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
It'd be nice if there were a "this is page x out of 12" statement at the headers; also, I believe there was an inconsistent option in one of the scarification questions.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
rock on</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Male, United States of America
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
holy god, i'm finally done... you weren't lieing when you said "Mega"</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Bloody hell that was long. I did wonder why you asked some of the questions. What is this going to be used for?</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Finland
It was a nice and a good survey, BME rocks the world!<p>

thank you people, for making BME exist!<p> Time to go to bed, 02:40 am... .work at 10 am =-)</td></tr>

Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
I feel there should have been more questions on home enviroment and what causes people to get mods rather than the mods they have, but just an idea!</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Heterosexual Male, Canada
while I currently have piercings and tattoos and plan on more future piercings and tattoos , the decision to have them is my own and the reasonings are my own, I may be your next door neighbour or your son/daughters coach , I am normal as everyone else , I love my family, my country , God and I pay my share of taxes , I just chose to modify my body to please myself and my lifepartner(wife)</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
I want to say that this community is a great support network for myself, and I want to thank you very much for everything.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
I'm a college student who lives in the city where I go to school, but during school breaks and over the summer I live with my parents and use their address as my permanent address, so I answered relevant questions as though I live with my parents all the time. Also, I am a cutter and I find that getting a new body mod not only looks good, but also helps stop the urge to cut for a while. Overall, IAM and BME have had an extremely positive impact on my life and I thank everyone who is involved with them.</td></tr>
Age 16 Heterosexual Female, Canada
Good luck?.. I suppose?</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual Female, United States of America
All the questions about "father's income" etc don't apply - my father is deceased, and that was never given as an option.</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
I think something should be done to convince employers to allow piercings at work.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
This is how I learned that I am alive</td></tr>
Age 17 Heterosexual Female, Canada
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Just wanted to state that I am utterly delighted that you're doing this - it will be fantastic if everyone takes that extra bit of time to fill this in. I strongly believe that society in general needs a decent, well-researched and inclusive *real* study of bodmod in all its forms, and I wish you the best of luck with what must be a daunting (but very worthy) task. Brightest blessings to you! :)</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, Canada
some things were left out.</td></tr>
Age 17 Bisexual Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
i feel that this survey is NOT an invasion of privacy and it's questions were to the point and very well organised. :D</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
that was fun! i like filling things out!</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Heterosexual Male, Greece
hope i have helped in your work</td></tr>
Age 17 Heterosexual Female, Canada
Thank you for this opportunity to have "free time" added on to accounts. I enjoyed this Survey.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
You more or less left out the Kemetic Orthodox religeon.</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
bme is uber</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Interesting perspective on one's self and where they are.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Can't wait to see some of the results of this.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
just happy to help!</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
It was an enjoyable thing to do, although i know this is rather bitchy, but there were rather a lot of spelling mistakes... heh heh, oh well!</td></tr>
Age 15 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
this took so long haha</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
i love bme <3</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, Poland
I'm happy it's anonymously dn</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I had difficulty with choices for questions on dress -- that is, for work, I dress very conservatively (more so than average) but for non-work occasions, I dress much LESS conservatively than average. The question depends on the situation for me.<p>


Overall, great survey. Thanks for doing this.</td></tr>

Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Male, Germany
Some of the questions re: family presume that both parents are alive; my father is deceased, so some questions had to be answered in terms of when he was alive.<p>

<p> Overall, a very interesting survey! Thanks for doing this!</td></tr>

Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, Italy
very amazing to do!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Hope this helps!</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, Canada
i think you should add n/a to every question...</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I think the question about events that affected you life should include mre options, such as as parent/sibling etc. being diagnosed with a terminal illness or other major illness, and death of a friend.</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Male, Canada
Great survey! Hope a lot of data is sampled.</td></tr>
Age 18 Gay/Lesbian Female, Canada
good survey! i hope the info helps you guys. :)</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I wouldn't consider "goth" a's more a lifestyle. "Goths" encompass a variety of religions, from Christianity to Satanism to Wicca to atheist to all points in between. That's like calling "metalheads" or "punk" or "raver" a's not. Just a lifestyle.</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
Thank you for all your hard work ... it is appreciated more than you know. :)</td></tr>
Age 17 Gay/Lesbian Male, Canada
Just a superficial suggestion - make the background black and the text white - it would be easier on the eyes. (Staring at all this white for so long has irritated my contact wearing eyes) =(</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, Canada
it was a little long but i was more then happy to do it</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
damn i thought it would never end but it was cool</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
yeah, that was fucking long.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
vaginal virginity was confusing, as I am a male... but i think I got it.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
There was a mistake on question 9-28, it reffered to scarification but one of the answers reffered to piercings.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
I found it difficult to relate some of the "North American" based language (eg health insurance, etc) to my personal experience which is entirely away from North America.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Damn that was long!! :) It would be interesting to see the results.</td></tr>
Age 17 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Aw, that wasn't bad at all!</td></tr>
Age 17 Gay/Lesbian Female, United States of America
that was the longest survey ive ever have to take! damn.... but i hope it helps for a good cause. educate, man!</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
in the part about places of tattoos, you forgot elbows</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, Canada
I think this survey was great and the questions were well thought out.<p>

<p> I hope this helps people think better about modified people.</td></tr>

Age 18 Bisexual Female, Canada
My modifications aren't as "heavy" as others, but I love them and they are an improvement of myself. That's what my mods current, and future are to me, a way to improve myself.</td></tr>
Age 17 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
What about American Sign Language?:(</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Female, United States of America
i'm a 22 year old female college student (aspiring artist) of somewhat above average intelligence who grew up in a small town on an island in the pacific- for me, modification is part of self beautification on a level that goes past just the aesthetic. its part of a commitment i make to my body & my health- to take care of my modifications is to take care of my body/health/life as a whole. i find & emphasize the beauty in my physical being by engaging in (relatively) permanent modifications, & i also make a very real connection to the inside of my body through the presence of jewelry in my flesh.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, Canada
woah that was long~</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Good god, however long did it take you to make this survey?!!!!!<p>

<p> <p> Well done</td></tr>

Age 19 Heterosexual Male, Australia
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Quite the lengthy survey.. I applaud you, a job well done.</td></tr>
Age 16 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Ireland
good survey but 1 question how would a homeless person have a computer with internet access?</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Male, Canada
12-9. How important is religion or spirituality in your life?<p>

<p> i think the question above should be 2 questions seperating religon from Spirituality, Due to the fact i am very spiritual but not Religious, <p> Other than that GREAT job!<p>


Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, Brazil
Good idea, this can be used on a vast kind of situations, by lots of different professionals...good idea</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Female, Canada
i put that i am 18, because i am for 2 more days.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
This was a lot of fun!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
One of the more well-thought out surveys that I have taken.</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
I find this a very appropriate survey via covering all the facts, though I don't know if allowing a five-year-old option in any piercing or tattooing questions is really appropriate.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
I found some grammatical and such errors while taking this survey. You might want to read through it again. Especially sentences saying "you have" instead of "have you". It was a little confusing.</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
Thank you for creating this to better the community. I look forward to seeing what positive comes of it :)</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Heterosexual Female, Canada

hope this helps!!!<p> </td></tr>

Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
thanks for ALL the hard work into running bme and iam!</td></tr>
Age 19 Gay/Lesbian Male, Canada
This survey is Too long to fill, warn people about the amount of question.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
wow that was fun...enjoy!!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
Thank you for being so inclusive in this survery! It was a joy to answer and I hope it helps break down the rumors and untruths that exist about body mod. Namaste.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
thanks to BME, my eyes have opened up to the world Ive always dreamed of. I am alot happier with myself and ive dont things that i never though i would do<p>

<p> I love this place!</td></tr>

Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, Portugal
where is "satanist" in the religions section... after all it is a rcognised religion....</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
finally a very in depth meaningful survey !!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
watch the typos...:)</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Male, United States of America
I have been on chemical castration for several years, so though I still have my balls it is also like I don't.</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
that was sorta long</td></tr>
Age 41 - 50 Gay/Lesbian Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Wow, pretty thorough job!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I think it's rediclous when a job won't hire me because the way I look. To me it's just like being racist. If I'm at an interview and the guy in front of with with braces gets a job and I don't because "it's not company policy" to me that's bull because braces are just as noticable. People argue with the fact that it's a "medical reason," but to me it's all the way you look at it and that it's more socially acceptable. Everyone dyes their hair and that's totally unatural. People paint their nails and cake make-up on their faces. They're all mods. Just because mine are socially not acceptable )yet), doesn't mean I should be discriminated against.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual Female, United States of America
I did not answer some of the questions because none of the answers applied to me, but a "Not Applicable" option was not offered.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
that was fun!!! thanks for another month!!  ; )</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, Canada
hey, I think that this survey helped me think a little bit more about myself. Thanks.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Female, Canada
Very nice survey<p>

<p> Hope it works out</td></tr>

Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I'm very happy to finally see this survey happen. It's been a long time coming and I think it will show a much more accurate portrayal of the "modified" community than any other survey before. My thanks to all who have put forth their effort to make this possible. Take care.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Canada
Very long. But extensive, thus more accurate than any other survey of the same nature.<p>

<p> I can't wait to see what the results of this survey are. I think that it will turn a few peoples heads.</td></tr>

Age 36 - 40 Gay/Lesbian Male, United States of America
Will the resuls be available? Guess you cant answer. Oh well.  :-)</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I, for one, have chosen certain visible modifications that affect my interactions with other people. From stretched lobes and facial piercings to tattoos below the wrist, it makes finding equal employment more difficult as well as having most people judge me based upon my actions and not my appearance.<p>

<p> While this is generally considered "negative", it's somethign that I was fully aware of and accepted prior to having these mods done and I accept the ramifications of my decisions with no regret or bitterness. <p> <p>

We live in an imperfect world with imperfect people that will forever make initial judgements upon others by what they see.</td></tr>

Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Female, Canada
mega survey is right! :)</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I would have preferred just Pagan as a religious choice (I dislike the term Neo-Pagan, though it's closest). I must say it's nice to have so many choices.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Male, Canada
good survey!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, Canada
9-28. I got my first voluntary scarification at age:<p>

1. No piercings<p>



Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Canada
c'mon, i thought you said "mega"...</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual Male, Norway
Long But good test<p>

Hope i have been to eany help</td></tr>

Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I sincerely hope that the results of this survey can open some eyes and let society know the positive reality of the body modification community.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Female, United States of America
thank you for including me. it was fun.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I know that this survey was 100% anonymous, but because of a lot of the questions asked initially it would be easily distinguishable who was who if you knew other members of BME. Not that I particularly care, but I wonder if you will get less responses from people.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
I hope this helps you out Shannon.</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual Female, Australia
Very well written. I hope this helps.</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
wow,that was unneccesisarily long.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I love bme....I wish you had more shirts to choose from. I definetly not a major bod mod person...just tattoos....<p>

<p> keep up the good work</td></tr>

Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
man that was long, lol</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
I love BME and looking at all the pictues and stories, even if I do not share the same enthusiasm on certain procedures.</td></tr>
Age 51 - 60 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
In questions about parents (for example when asking about their incomes and such) it would have helped for there to be an option to check in the instance when the parents were simply deceased....</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
There are several questions refering to parents, in regards to what they make, and what they do. I was raised by both of my parents, but my father died several years back, there should be a deceased option. Also, consider for future, an open ended section when the "other" option is chosen. It would have made me more comfortable with several answers</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Female, Canada
wicked survey! i'm glad that there will finally be an accurate portrayal of the body modification scene, hopefully this will aid in stopping stereotypes and prejudgement</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
hope this helps in the info!</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
B.M.E / IAM fuckin rawk! thank you's for giving me a place to make new friends with the same interests as myself.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I wish it was more than a free month of iam, but oh well.<p>

Thanks for doing this. I appreciate the diversity of options.</td></tr>

Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Australia
great questions, goodluck with the survery.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
that was fun.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
Great survey Glad to be a part of it.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
You arn't kidding that that was long, but very good questions.</td></tr>
Age 16 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
wow...that was a shitload of questions. i'm just glad i get a month back on IAM :) :) :) xox</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I would just like to say here that if it was not for BME, I would not be the person I am today. Thank you.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Excellent survey. A few choices and ideas left out, but very nice -- I can't wait to see the results!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
man that's long. hope it helps. xo.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Gay/Lesbian Male, United States of America
damn.. hope this helps!!!! peace</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
rework some of the questions or explain them better "vaginal virginity" i'm a male so how do i answer, small stuff like that, that's all, other than that, great survey</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, Australia
Very interesting survey :)</td></tr>
Age 17 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
This is just too long! and my computer crashed while i was on page 7. that is all.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Gay/Lesbian Male, Canada
Thanks for the opportunity to do this. I hope my answers reflect a more about modification in society.</td></tr>
Age 15 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
One of the best surveys that I've ever taken</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Body modification will always be a part of me. I will never regret anything I've done, modifications or non. This is who I am and I am unapologetic about it. My tattoos and my piercings are a reminded of who I am and unless it poses a physical threat on my health or body, I will never, ever remove them. FOREVER MODIFIED!</td></tr>
Age 16 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
I've found IAM to hold some of the most progressive, interesting and accepting people I have ever met. IAM has had nothing but a positive impact on me and the people around me.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Do you.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
Thank you. this is a wonderful idea and i'm glad to be a part of it!</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
There looks like there maybe some typos and some things have no "does not apply" option</td></tr>
Age 41 - 50 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I'm surprised there were no questions about how we feel about religion and society. Or a few questions about what we thought could be done to make the world a better place. Oh well, maybe on a future survey!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Gay/Lesbian Transgender F2M (in progress), United States of America
Some of these questions are difficult to answer from a transgender perspective. You make little/no distinction between body-mod as a transsexual need versus as another kind of need/interest. Therefore, I took "major body mod" questions as relating to my transsexual surgeries, i.e. chest reconstruction and possible future surgery to create a penis. However, there's no real way to construe this meaning from your survey.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, Canada
i'm anxious to see the results</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
yeah! free month! who da man? I da man!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
thankyou for everything, you have positvely affected many people.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
Age 17 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
this. was long.</td></tr>
Age 17 Gay/Lesbian Transgender F2M (in progress), United States of America
:) glad yall are doing this</td></tr>
Age 13 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Female, Germany
Yay..this was a fun survey. :D</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Gay/Lesbian Male, United States of America
It would be nice if there was an indicator at the top of the page to let people know how much farther there is to go.</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual Female, United States of America
no comment</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
right on right on</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
goddamn that took forever!...hope it helps</td></tr>
Age 17 Bisexual Male, United States of America
:) hey there stud!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual Female, United States of America
wow that was a very detailed survey rock on!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
some of the questions in the survey can't be easly answered in a mutiple choice forum.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, Canada
thanks, that was really long!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, Canada
Total preppy girly-girl who loves her mods!!!!!!!!!!!!</td></tr>
Age 41 - 50 Gay/Lesbian Male, United States of America
I should have kept track.. I believe it was section 3-15 that asked (approximately) "which events strongly influenced you as a young person". I was somewhat disappointed, though not surprised, to see a selection list of exclsuively negative experiences. While I understand that positive experiences may be harder to enumerate.. please consider at least adding a "check box" for a generic positive experience.<p>

This is applicable to more than one question. <p> Interesting survey.. in spite of the "half-empty" bias to the questions. Fairly good job!</td></tr>

Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
very shocked you didn't ask about military service</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Male, United States of America
that was a long time to take this thing...</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Female, Canada
Really great survey, especially the part about how my mods make me feel about myself. I would love to see the results of this survey.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, China
There's 2 questions on page 1 in this megasurvey requarding where I was born and where I live, I think it should include Hong Kong SAR as well, since I'm from HK and I've no choice but to click China since HK's not on the list.<p>

<p> Thankyou.</td></tr>

Age 16 Heterosexual Female, Canada
Fire out these surveys whenever you feel like it. I've got loads of time and I'm always willing to help out the community!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
i would like to see more suspensions and pulls. in california the body mod scene is trendy. it consist too much of navel piercings and popular things of that sort. i want to be able to find more underground bod mod groups</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, Canada
Very In-depth!</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
Wow that was LONG...but interesting. Cool stuff. ;o)</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
this was so long!!:)</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual Female, Poland
some rediculous questions.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Gay/Lesbian Male, Canada
what a great idea..... enough said</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
i forgot</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
This was a pretty nice, comprehensive survey. I'm glad that there will be a large database of statistics that will, for once, accurately describe the modified community. Thanks!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
A yeast infection isn't really an STD, because you don't need to have sex to get one (if you're female, anyways).</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, Canada
Hmmm.. hairstyle question difficult due to the fact that i SHAVE MY HEAD!!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Male, United States of America
As I'm sure you're going to be munging this data and aggrigating it, and getting trending values out of it, I'm wondering if it would be possible to get either the raw data or the end result as I'm sure its just a sql db... Or exporting to .csv or some other character delimited file it would be interesting to play around with. But if you're gonna use the results for something which would prohibit their release, that's cool too.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
god, that was so fucking long...</td></tr>
Age 17 Heterosexual Male, Canada
A very well thought out survey, although some of these questions I would think some would have trouble asking. Then is IAM members answering..nice job IAM staff. Keep up the good work and have a good summer. ^_^</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Transgender F2M (in progress), United States of America
The only problem I've ever found in the intrest surveys is that for occupation, there is no option for "modification industry non-practitioner." For instance, people who are not piercers/tattooists/branders/cutters but who work to specifically support the industry... jewellry makers, counter people, etc. I am a counter person at an internationally known shop and am never sure what to check off in these questionaires... i'm not a practitioner, so i cna't check that, but just checking 'retail' feels completely incorrect.</td></tr>
Age 17 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
bme rules, as does the so cal bme bbq</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
thanks again for all your contribution to the piercing community over the years!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual Female, Australia
Thanks for the opertunity to take part and help out bme</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Canada
This was HELLA long.</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
bme is fucking great:)</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, Canada
More than happy to help out!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Philippines
With BME I have felt more confident about getting body mods, especially because of the experiences forum. It helps me prepare of what to expect and how to care for it. This site has been very beneficial to me. And the friends I have gained out of this site are the most important. To hang out with people and not be the "different" one in the bunch feels a little more comfortable. And also knowing that girls don't think I look "weird" or "odd" because of the way I look, helps my confidence a lot.</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
bme/iam has helped me greatly to relize i am not alone.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
9-28 has a typo<p>


Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I've taken longer surveys, but you did seem to cover everything though.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I think this is an awasome survery Id love to see what comes of this and if it really reaches mainstream news/families etc. Took a while though. heh</td></tr>
Age 16 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
12-7 does not have a N/A box</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, Canada
I had no idea it was going to be that long, hehehehe</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
not a bad survey. pretty thorough except there was nothing on branding or asphyxiation which are pretty common.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
The quotes about political feelings are a bit hard to answer with a definite. I'm not sure how to add more freedom in those answers, but I found myself having to answer with the ambivolent one because it depends on context with many of them.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
If the fucking "ohjectivists" are a religion so are existentialists.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
interesting survey - i actually wished that it was a bit longer - looking forward to reading the results.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
This survey was long, but well worth it. There were some great questions...</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
religion: roman catholic</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Canada
this was fun.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
Satanism should be added to the religion choices.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Since I've been here, I've never felt out of place.</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
my piercings hurt but i dont want to take them out because i'm holding onto a dream that they DID look good !!!</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
good survey. funner than a regular quiz!</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Phew! Done! Thanks for the opportunity. Would just comment that in the q's about parents, you might have allowed the possibility of parent(s) being deceased. It's hard to cater for all eventualities I know, but I guess this one is not uncommon ;)</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
One hell of a survey, but with some very good questions. Im happy to have taken it.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, New Zealand
Very precise and very indepth. BUT its very long!</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, Canada
sooooooooo long</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
time to let them know what we're about..</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, Sweden
Good questions!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
welli hope this survey helps out... i very much enjoyed doing it.</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Wow! that was long but very much worth it!:)</td></tr>
Age 16 Heterosexual Male, Canada
Just one thing I think you should maybe add to the Job lists, this might have been covered under service industry but I was unsure. Maybe add a button for Hospitality Industry(Restaruants,Hotels,etc) just a suggestion and keep up the good work on IAM and BME great site.</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
cool survey</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual Female, Australia
i enjoyed doing this! so thanks. glad to help.</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
Cool survey. Long but will hopefully help IAM improve on its already perfectness! ;)</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Happy to help. xx</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
I'm a buddhist and a Christian - a sort of religion that I have worked out for myself that suits my own enquiry into the world (not that I've figured everything out, and not that this matters). I'm not really involved in any organised religion, though I do go to meditation class. How do you put all that in a check box, eh? ;-)</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
christ on a bike!that was a beast!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Female, United States of America
There were a few questions (I can't remember now, I would have to go back through the survey) - that there were no correct answers for me... but I tried to pick the best answer possible.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
this was pointless</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
a beautiful survey, i'm excited to see the results.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Very heavily weighted towards North American lifestyle/culture. Also, self-selecting sample is unscientific.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I am forever Thankful to this community. Thank you All!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, Canada
For country of birth/residence, Bermuda is not listed. I live in Bermuda. <p>

<p> So now you know who I am, since i'm the only iam person in Bermuda ...which is fine.<p> </td></tr>

Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Chile
iam bloody rocks shannon. thanks for giving us your time to bring us the community <3</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Cyprus
looking foward to hearing your opinions and views on this survey :)</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
It doesn't seem that everything brought up was went in "at the same level", meaning some topics were expounded more than others.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Female, United States of America
"i wear big pants"<p>

<p> BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (funny stuff!)</td></tr>

Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Female, Australia
that was long. hehe</td></tr>
Age 16 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Australia
I hope my participation in this survey has assisted in some way.</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
That was.....intense</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Female, Netherlands
I'd really like to see the results of this survey. I hope it will be posted somewhere. These are great questions!!!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
</td> has provided me with an outlet for whatever holdover angst I may have from teenage life. I've found more and more "like me" than I knew.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
Good idea to do a survey Shannon! I look forward to seeing the results! We are a very interesting demographic group :)</td></tr>
Age 51 - 60 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
A pity so much is dedicated to the teenage group, but fun to do and a little re-examination of self never hurts.</td></tr>
Age 17 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
You should really add satanism to your religious choice.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
This survey is incomplete in that bipolar disorder (manic-depression) was left off of the mental disorders list, and that you could only select one item from the religion list. Otherwise, great survey!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
wow, that was all-encompassing!!</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I really hope this survey makes the general public, and myself, understand a lot more about modifications, motivations behind them, and the people who perform them. I can only speak for myself, but I'm not weird, or evil. Yeah I used to be quasi goth and went through a raver stage, but i'm leveling off now, keeping really focused on tomorrow, not today, becuase today sucks and tomorrow might just get worse. I love tattoos, but I can't commit to something forever. I have that lingering image of my old wrinkled corpse on an autopsy table and the guy thinking about how gross tattoos look after seventy years. I think that age limitations on tattoos are ok. If i got the tattoos I wanted when I was 12-15, ones I was POSITIVE I wanted, and I had wanted for years at the time... I'd have them removed/covered now. Facial piercings aren't so much of a big deal as they aren't PERMANENT. Um, that's all I have to say. I think bme is great... and thats it. thanks shannon!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Another option for parent employment: Retired.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
That took for "bloody" ever but thanks for the free month.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, Sweden
Keep it up !!!!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual Female, Iceland
Anything I can do to help BME I will. This is my family, thank you for being here</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, Canada
good luck!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual Male, United States of America
Being a questionare I'm not quite decided what I should say?Plato..should I've a this occidental nominalism?You give me no choice but what allowed.Shannon I've an opinion about proper development for a child and I believe the nessecary ingreidents are contained within the adult who applies the steps.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
This was definately the most enjoyable survay I have ever taken and probably the only one that has applied to me this much.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
For the section that asks who various mods were done by, there should be an option for "partner"</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Transgender F2M (done), United States of America
I found the questions on what the legal age limit should be for mods/etc to be difficult to answer. I answered 18 for all of them, under the assumption that this was age limit without a parent's permission. With appropriate context I feel that any of them could be appropriate before then, especially as part of a rite of passage or puberty rite. (Including suspension, genital piercing, and facial tattoos.) But you can't make a law about appropriate context, so I'd say "over-18 or with parental permission".<p>

<p> <p> </td></tr>

Age 41 - 50 Gay/Lesbian Male, United States of America
questionaire asks about parents in present tense - my mother died several years ago (post divorce)</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
very thorough! i take part in alot of surveys (marketing research etc) and this was by far the most enjoyable one to take.</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Only comment is that I didn't know what to check for work since I work at a non-profit social service agency.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
might want to consider "did it, but not any more", or "did it once, and never again" under the drug use questions. there's lots of stuff I've done (or even did for a long while), but haven't in years, and wouldn't again, so "occasionally" isn't really accurate. good luck with the compiling of it all!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
Thanks for giving us a chance to let you know what we are all about!!!</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Female, Canada
Body modification has enhanced my life more than I ever thought that it could. That is something that nobody will ever be able to take away from me, no matter how hard they try.</td></tr>
Age 41 - 50 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
ohhh that was wonderful....any time :) but you need to allow more choices in that last i follow many different religions...thanks</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
i hope this survey helps clear some of the bad press we as modified people recieve.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Thank you for taking the time to do this.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Gay/Lesbian Female, United States of America
in the psychological community it's generally required that there be an extensive warning about questions pertaining to abuse/rape etc in order for someone to determine whether or not they'd like to participate, as such questions can cause negative psychological reactions. other than that, great survey. the first i've seen with an all inclusive gender list.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, Canada
Wow... you weren't kidding when you said that survey would take 45 mins! Good luck with the results compilation - I hope to see some of the findings eventually as there are some interesting Qs in there.<p>

<p> Thanks.</td></tr>

Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Canada
Regarding birth control use: I'm sterile (vasectomy) and monogamous, but will sometimes use condoms to avoid mess etc.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Female, United States of America
1) Individuals with multiple jobs may scew these statistics -- for example, my mother has a primary job done for money, a secondary job done for love, and is the primary homemaker, so i listed her as "other."<p>

<p> 2) There's no option for those of us who have never bothered to get a subscription for BME Hard. Maybe i'd like it, but i'm too cheap to find out.<p> <p> 3) You've ignored female genital play/torture. I checked CBT, even though there's no C or B in my primary relationship, because that's what most closely describes what i do.</td></tr>

Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I'd like to see the stastics on this survey one day.</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual Female, Canada
for languages spoken and read fluently, "ukranian" was not an option, therefore i chose the most closely related option "polish"<p>

<p> that's about it.</td></tr>

Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
Thank you for IAM!</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Question 9-28 (I think) is about scarification but one of the answers says something about piercings... or something like that. I felt that some of the answers were limiting, but, I understand that forced choice surveys are required in order to acquire large quantities of information, so I don't feel it was negative.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, Ireland
just thank you</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Argentina
good survey, but i think it might just give kids another reason to try and prove that the modified community is "normal".</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
BME is my life.. I dont know what i would do for time or socal aspect..</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
By the standards on BME, or at least the more extreme members, I am quite 'vanilla' in the way I am. I would have had more facial piercings, but because of work and family, I chose not to. I'm not bothered by this and not hostile towards them. The parents are very tolerant towards the things I do in my life.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Canada
Wow. That was long; thorough at least.</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
I think some questions were a little personal to be honest although I can see why they were asked and the survey was a little too long but otherwise ok.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual Female, United States of America
this took much less than 45 minutes! two things: should body piercing be illegal in schools? i read this to mean should it be illegal to body pierce in school. and stomach has an 'e' on the end of it in the where are you modified section.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
damn that was long</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
should have been questions for modification professionals about how they feel about piercing certain ages, sexes, races, social types, or religions. A lot of other aspects of piercing professionally should have been covered also in a seperate survey perhaps.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Canada
pretty thorough. i cant think of anything i would add. i thought it a little strange to see "goth" under religious choice.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, Finland
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
thank you for this opportunity to speak up as a member of the bod-mod community and get some real data out there and not just a handful of college students picked out randomly by some geezer professor.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
very thorough....good job!</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
Under the STD options, you should change "Genital Warts" to "HPV/Genital Warts."<p>

<p> Thank you</td></tr>

Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
whew..that's a lot of thinking...good survey!</td></tr>
Age 16 Heterosexual Male, Canada
i enjoy everything that bme has done to improve except put a limit on the tattoo section, either keep it one way or the other dont keep changing and expecting people not to get angry,<p>

other than that, keep up the sensational work</td></tr>

Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Female, United States of America
Some of the options didn't have enough.. For example, the jobs section. I am in SALES which I suppose you could call ADVERTISING, but not really. I do telemarketing. Also, I want to be in the music\film industry and I was surprised to not see many entertainment options there. Also... for some answers.. it really DEPENDS. For instance on the pain question, (12-5. To what degree does the pain in body modification affect the procedure?) Somtimes it is positive and sometimes negative. That applied on other questions as well. Like SOMTIMES YES AND SOMTIMES NO.<p>

<p> Good questionaire!</td></tr>

Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Canada
it was a very long survey</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
Age 51 - 60 Gay/Lesbian Male, United States of America
Many of the questions in section 2(?) are affected if your parents are dead, but the questions do not have options for that, in most cases.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
shannon we appreciate everything you do for us as a community. thank you. <p>


Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Female, Canada
I look forward to seeing what you do with all this info from everybody!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Male, United States of America
Very good survey. I thought it was great how much consideration was put into covering all demographics and including many choices that no other surveys care enough about to include.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
did you think of adding divorce to your "things/events effecting your childhood" part? or did i just miss it?<p>

<p> cheers<p> <p> </td></tr>

Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
The length of my hair (2-3 feet) has played a more negative role in my professional life.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
The jobs section is a little narrow. My father is an electrician. I didn't know what to put. Good luck. I think you should do more surveys, just to get the consensus of the large community you're fostering here. Go for it. Thanks.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Damn, that was a long survey!</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
A very interesting survey, although I could think of dozens of more questions that could have been asked.<p>

Perhaps another survey in the future would be fun.</td></tr>

Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Australia
my account is up..but this took me a whole hour to fill out can I please have the free mounth still? my user name is emzime you can email me at [email protected]</td></tr>
Age 17 Heterosexual Female, Canada
It took a long time but it was fun!</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
thank you for everything shannon.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I would be lost with out my modifications!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
This was very informative, I hope to see the results of others</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Female, Canada
It was interesting.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
As with any multiple choice, there were a few questions I wanted to choose more than one answer and a few questions that didn't have answers that suited me, but I chose the closest related one, so I hope that this helps give a good overview.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Felt the survey covered a fair amount of aspects, can't wait to see what all the statistics are for us.<p>

<p> This question though: 12-7. During a ritual body play act, would you rather have...<p> <p> Should have a Not-Applicable choice on it, if you haven't done any ritual body plays.</td></tr>

Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Female, United States of America
i felt that some of the questions were slightly vague or did not include all possible answers, for example, questions pertaining to employment and religion, sometimes my answers were more than one option or were not included at all but answering "other" made the question seem irrelevant.</td></tr>
Age 51 - 60 Gay/Lesbian Male, United States of America
thanks, that was fun !</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
it was LONG, but decently exciting.</td></tr>
Age 16 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I think the world needs to lighten up on us, "modded" people we are mostly good people who do regular stuff and get punished for who we are by employeers, law inforcment, and the general public. I have been followed around the mall befor by a Police officer. I was doing nothing wrong just shopping like the richy stuckup kids but he was following me for what I looked like. That to me is the same thing as discriminating homosexuals or people of other races. I think of it as harassment!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Male, United States of America
You have a question about upbringing in which you ask, "who raised you?" Siblings were not an option... it's minor, but still relevent. Thank you.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, Canada
yay i'm done! hope i helped</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, Republic of Korea
Damn, that was a long ass survey. The final results should be interesting.</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
Interesting that you include Shamanic rituals as a mod, but not as a spiritualism....unless you were thinking that Native American equals shamanism. It doesn't. Much like saying that all Christians are Catholics</td></tr>
Age 16 Heterosexual Female, Canada
I love IAM and it's help me feel more confident about who I am. Awsome work you guys :P</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Canada
interesting survey. i'm wondering what the outcome would show.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
it was way too long sir.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
i love you shannon... bme is a wonderful thing, and i love you for what you have done!</td></tr>
Age 17 Heterosexual Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Wow! Interesting survey! Actually provoked me to think about myself in different ways. Thanks! BME is fantastic! Keep up the excellent work.</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
LONG : )</td></tr>
Age 41 - 50 Heterosexual Male, Zambia
A little difficult matching the correct answers for school grades and welfare issues for non US/Canadian members.<p>


Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Canada
Wow Long survey. Gald to help out!!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
i have been hired by the government and will be starting work in appx. september. once i have a source of revenue, i plan on contributing more money and pictures to bme and iam than i have in the past! bme opened me up to the art of body modification, alas, i have been in school without a job for the last 5 years and have not been able to contribute as much as i have wished to...</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
a sugestion for the religion question, it might help to include an option of "mesianic jew," i.e. someone who is biologically jewish but practices christianity.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
I have answered the religion as christian, but I am Catholic. They are not the same thing.</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Very good survery. I hope it goes to good use.</td></tr>
Age 17 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
Excellent survery.. good questions, a great variety - not just things that relate DIRECTLY to mods.<p>

It's great that you've made a survey to help steer away from stereotypes... :)</td></tr>

Age 36 - 40 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
you should list american sign language under languages spoken.<p>

under parental relationships you don't give the option of never married to other parent and not together.</td></tr>

Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Wow.. what a LONG survey... You should put at the top how long we have left to go ;) Hope I help some</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Damn that was long!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Great survey! I hope that the results will be published as there were some awesome questions on here.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Brazil
It was a great experience for me. Thank you!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I really enjoyed taking this survey, and I look forward to seeing results sometime in the near future!<p>


Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
body modification has changed me from a moth into a butterfly!</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
This is an excellent idea, good on you.<p>

The most non-applicable question was<p> 12-9 "Religion/spirituality".<p> They are completely different (and maybe opposing) concepts and cannot be described as an "or" option as in the question.<p> <p> </td></tr>

Age 20 - 21 Gay/Lesbian Female, United States of America
This was a great survey.<p>

Hopefully it will go to good use, and will inform many people on how "pierced/tattooed,ect" people truly are.<p>

Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
what is this used for? :)</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, Philippines
8-16. "Society would be a lot better off if people started going to church more often." Maybe not church in the traditional sense, but yeah, I think that we would all be a bit better off if we dedicated more time to spiritual pursuits and less to materialis.<p>

<p> 8-17. "A mother's place is in the home." That'd probably depend on the mother and on the home, but wouldn't it be groovy if mothers, including single mothers, could dedicate themselves to motherhood (not housewifehood, it's different) as a cuantifiable, and therefore renumerable, task. Seems that we havn't done so well leaving motherhood as a "thankless" role. Maybe it's worth a try, as a society, to place a wage value on quality mothering. Those who feel they've had high quality mothers will no doubt recognize that they are better for the experience. On the other hand, those who havn't felt maternal support will no doubt express some sense of remorse. Just as with any other job (e.g. "good" carpenters make "good" houses and therefore get paid more) let better mothers (the proof, as they say, being in the pudding. Are the kids nice? Respectful? Active? Thoughtful? Engaged in the dance of life?) earn better money. Those mothers whose children show fewer of of these attributes simply don't get the job, and continue being unemployed mothers, or working a different job, just as a poor carpinter would not get work building houses.<p> <p> 8-23. "There should be limits to free speech (ie. racism, child porn, etc.)" Child porn is a crime, not because of any sort of limitation on the freedom of speech, rather because it has been judged a physical and/or psychological assult on a human being not yet emotionally or physically prepared for the experience. On the other hand, I am aware that there have been "legitimate" artists who have been unfairly censured under the accusation of child pornography.<p> <p> 8.32-8.39 "What is the youngest someone should legally be permitted to do a...?" Uffff, this series of questions really made me sit back and have a good long chat with myself about my values. I finally answered "no age" to the lot. In my studio I refuse to pierce under-sixteen any place in the body, and under-eighteen without a face to face conversation with a parent. Nonetheless, I feel that the law is far too clumsy an instrument for judging something so intimate as one's experiences with the body. A delicate but beautiful web is drawn between the modder, the moddee, and, when applicable, the parent/s. In cultures as morally valid as ours, children may start tattooing themselves as soon as they are able to emulate their parents. I once pierced the neighbor's three-year-old´s ears. I've known her, literally, her whole life, she'd spent enough time in the waiting-room of the studio to feel comfortable with the space, was able to convince me that she really felt ready for the change, and has parents wise enough to make something special out of the experience. Did I do wrong by piercing her? I know a tattooist who did a small tattoo on each of his kids once they were able to convince him that they were ready, about age ten or so. They'd grown up scampering around conventions and doing the European tattoo-hippy thing. Did the father do any wrong? I can't think of too many occasions in which I'd be comfortable going outside of the norms I described at the beginning of the sermon, but when I do come across one of those cases, I most surely don't wan't "the law" limiting my ability to fulfill my role in the life of those people.<p> <p> Absolutely lovely survey. it proved quite stimulating, and was, I think, extremely well done. Thank you.<p>


Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
the survey was pretty good.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Male, United States of America
i hope this helps...i think it is a great idea</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual Female, Canada
The first scarification question (9-28?) asks about when you first received voluntary scarification but has "no piercings" as an option. If this isn't an error then it's confusing.<p>


"goth" qualifies as a religion?<p> <p> The list of choices of things that impacted your childhood are mostly negative things (abuse, death, etc) but camp/summer school in on that list. I would have checked camp as significant but it was extremely positive for me and I didn't want the statistics to possible show that camp made feel crappy - if its not intended that way i would break the question up so there's "good" and "bad" things...</td></tr>

Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
I'm definitely proud to have been a part of this survey. It's about time something like this came around to clear up misconceptions. :)</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Dayam that was a long survey :)</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual Female, United States of America
free month of membership would rawk shannon</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
that was a really really long survey. I drank like 2 beers while filling it out.</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Bisexual Female, United States of America
great survey BUT it would have been nice to differentiate some of the "have you ever" questions re: drug use from the "are you now using" questions... awesome job Shannon as usual!  :)</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
You fucking rock-dont ever stop</td></tr>
Age 16 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
very thorough,fun.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
good lord thats a lot of questions!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Canada
wow, that took a long time, but very good questions</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
Thanks for the free month ^_^</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
Wow, that was a great survey! This is the first place I've been whose survey includes so many variables. Nice to be acknowledged.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual Male, United States of America
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
What, no Church of Satan in 12-11? Was that an accidental omission or on purpose?</td></tr>
Age 17 Bisexual Female, Canada
Yowza! That was a looooooong survey! I answered everything truthfully, hope this helps. :)</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Gay/Lesbian Male, United States of America
As a data analyst, I'm looking forward to the posting of these results. Good luck!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, Russian Federation
i think perhaps, you should have included a section about our piercing tattooing experiences in terms of whether the shops we went to were clean / professional, and how we feel about those experiences in retrospect</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, Canada
Next survey you should include things like hobbies and preferences -- to find out things like what books modified people prefer and if they play sports (and whether or not they take their mods out for their sports.)</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
Thank you BME</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
Wow! You really did a good job on this survey, you are going to be able to tell a lot about the people on this site by it. I hope some kind of results will be published somewhere.</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
This was well thought out and covered every topic I could think of. I rarely see surveys this comprehensive.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America

This was a great survey! Thank you for taking the time to undertake this cumbersome, but necessary task.<p> My only complaint is that more questions did not have a "partner" choice, as I feel that my partner is separate from the rest of my family/friends.<p> <p> Thanks again!</td></tr>

Age 31 - 35 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Australia
Just a suggestions: many people consider themselves as belonging to more than one religion/spiritual tradition so it would yeild more accurate results to allow more than one selection.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
In regards to the STD section-HPV is the virus that causes genital warts so I think putting HPV as the STD would be more accurate than listing genital warts since not everyone with HPV actually gets warts.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
Interesting questions. I'd like to see more questions about sexuality/sexual interests and the like in there, also more about education.</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
smile :)</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
very nice. it was over all too quickly though.</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Canada
Great survey! It's about time someone finally started gathering *real* statistics on this community!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
That was fun</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, Australia
long survey :P</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Some of the questions were really political, not in a bad way, but in a way that didn't seem to do much with the rest of this poll. I answered them truthfully, and to the best of my ability: but there is a tinge of the whole anti-governmental flavor in that section.<p>

<p> You can quote me on this.<p> <p> </td></tr>

Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Under "What style are your tattoos", straight-edge could be included.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
it was pretty thouroh</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Female, Canada
i think this is a really excellent idea and i'm glad it's happening. i found a few of the questions difficult to answer because i wasn't sure exactly what they were asking, or what was or wasn't meant to be included in a definition or situation, that kind of thing... or because i couldn't remember :)</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
that was soooo long. how does thsi get credited to my account exaclty???</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Male, United States of America
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Female, United States of America
I think you need a "don't care" option for a few of the questions.</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
damn was this a long frickin survey!!!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, Canada
Not enough N/A answers in some places...</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Philippines
That was a great MEGAsurvey, I enjoyed doing it very much. The best survey Ive done yet. hehe.</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual Male, United States of America
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
For the mental and physical disorders, it should be changed to "do you have or have you ever had any of the following?". I have suffered from depression, but do not currently and so I did not mark it. I believe it is important to note that during the time I was most heavily modified I was suffering from depression.</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Gay/Lesbian Male, United States of America
Boy you are a nosey Nancy!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, Australia
thanx... enjoyed doing it... hope it is useful!</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Canada
Questions 12-6 and 12-7 were hard to answer since the focus of mod acts may include to varying degrees pain depending on the nature of the act itself. I have engaged in acts where the pain was THE reason, and mods where the mod was the reason and the pain was irrelevant and intentionally minimized, and all possible variations and combinations thereof.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
this was actually enjoyable, i hope to see the results on bme in the future</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
goth is a religion?<p>

<p> that was fun.<p> <p> i had something else i wanted to add. that kinda pissed me off. but i forgot what it was already, so i guess it wasnt a big deal after all.</td></tr>

Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
wow, too long!</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Japan
I've got it!</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Heterosexual Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
BME has been very helpful to me, as far as becoming more knowledgeable about piercings and aftercare. I've also met some great people on BME.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Glad I could help.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
This was great! So happy to contribute to bme.</td></tr>
Age 17 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
go body mods? hehe</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Very good survey. Although long, it was interesting...</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
i love body modification in general. i always have been fascinated by it, in any form. I feel more 'me' when i get new piercings, or tattoos, or dye my hair, etc. But, i do notice that many of my peers that are also into the same things (ie- piercings, etc) tend to be elitest, or stuck-up, which is really lame, especially b/c i have to listen to the general public's idiotic responses to my piercings, or stretched ear lobes. <p>

<p> I also would love to see employers, and the general public not care about my piercings, or tattoos, or scarifications. I would love to be judged on my actions, not the fact that i have a septum piercing. i doubt that will happen any time soon tho.<p> <p> i've been visiting BME for about 7 years, ever since i was 15 yrs old, and i love it, it let me know that i wasnt a freak, that there were other people that enjoyed the things that i enjoyed. BME has also inspired me to do other things with my body modification that i might not have done b/c of the information others have contributed to this site. thank-you.</td></tr>

Age 18 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
that was almost as long as my wang. man i need more mods i have to get on the ball with this!</td></tr>
Age 15 Heterosexual Female, Canada
i enjoyed this!!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Denmark
Thank you for letting my take this survey to hear my voice heard!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
q12-7 needs a "not applicable" option</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual Female, United States of America
This was extremely long, but i am very glad to help!!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
i tried my best to fill this out correctly.</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
Weeeeeeeeee, thank you great Shannon for all you do.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
thank you for keeping this site up. it's helped the mod community so much.</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
That was fun.</td></tr>
Age 16 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
that took along time :)</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
bme is great i love it keep up the good work</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
my eyes are watering!! a very in depth survey...cant wait to see the results! <p>


Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
nice survey, i look forward to seeing all of the results. Thanks for your great support in the community Shannon.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Sweden
great initative this survey.. looking forward too se how it will be used...</td></tr>
Age 51 - 60 Heterosexual Eunuch (penectomized), United States of America
A few typos, and a few difficult choices because those offered didn't quite fit OR more than one fit. I look forward to the published results!</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, Canada
Really I feel that I am lucky my friends and peers have been supportive of what I do. <p>

My parents (father when he was alive) for the most part although conservative believed like I do that people have the right to do what they want after age 18. Even though they did not mod their bodies they did/do not hold any affection back for those that did. <p> <p> I am the oldest of 7 children and 5 of us have some sort of modifications, 3 of the 5 children have multiple mods and at least 1 other child has mods planned. I would have liked to have seen a question like this in the survey (i.e. do/are your parents and other siblings have mods mods and if so was it a one time shot or multiple experiences?) I took one of my brothers to get his first tattoo when he was 18 and it may sound silly but are relationship got much better from that point. He now confides in me more and asks my opinion and advice. This could very well be that he is simply getting older but I do feel that it was a great experience when the two of us went together to get our first tattoo's.<p> <p> I really liked the questions regarding mod's and mental health, for me it has radically improved my quality of life, my confidence and generally lead to a more positive outlook.<p> <p> On a personal level I would also liked to have seen a question about eading. I feel that people on IAM (for the most part) read at a more advance level (and amount) than those that I come across on a general basis. Here if I talk to someone about an obscure article or book if they have not read it they may still have an interest in seeking it out. With coworkers and friends I just feel that they are more lethargic and less interested. Now this could be because he online world is more inclined to read or other factors but I am curious.<p> <p>

<p> thanks</td></tr>

Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Australia
Should have included satanist as a religion.. other than that keep up the good work mate</td></tr>
Age 41 - 50 Bisexual Transgender M2F (done), Australia
My parents are both dead, but some of the questions assume that they are alive, so I answered as if they were.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, Canada
That was a pretty cool little survey and I really hope you post the results... <p>

<p> later,<p> <p> j</td></tr>

Age 36 - 40 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Tough questions.. Thanks</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Female, United States of America
i dont think the statement "free speech should be limited (ie. racism, child porn, etc.)" can be answered with a simple "agree" or "disagree". in fact, the idea of answering it in that fashion is quite confusing. if i had more time, i would expound on why i think the question is inappropriate, but i am at a public terminal and am out of time.... perhaps i will IAM glider at a later date with my explanation... hopefully it won't give away my anonymity.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
My parents are fraky about my tattoos. My mom says that she likes them, but gets upset when I say I'm getting more, and my dad hates them, but doesn't ususally say anything...</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Age 25 - 30 Gay/Lesbian Male, United States of America
honest as it gets</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
some of my answers i would rather discuss than put down as one staight answer to let people know where i stand,thank you....mickey</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
my mother is deceased, could there be a n/a or deceased box (or when alive, your family member worked/earned)</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
some of the questions didn't have a not applicable selection, so I just left all the boxes blank. Hope the survey still works out..</td></tr>
Age 51 - 60 Bisexual Male, Canada
One helll of a poll mate LOL</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
this was the longest survey every, but i think as extensive as it was, it still failed to touch on certain aspects. maybe a better selection of jobs in the occupation questions etc. thats just my 2 cents.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, Canada
I hope this was helpfull! thanx again for everything</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual Female, United States of America
i'd be interseted in seeing the results of this survey.</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
Wow, I'm finally done. The Megasurvey lives up to it's name!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, Germany
It would have been intressting to be asked, if my tattoos have any meaning and why I got them</td></tr>
Age 16 Gay/Lesbian Male, United States of America
Great survey, thanks for letting me take it! Good luck with the results.</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Canada
I would just like to say that this was a very well thought out and important survey. I very much enjoyed taking it. Although there were some places where no answers applied to me, or the list was not in depth enough. But over all great survey.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Canada
fun stuff.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
Thanks for giving us a voice.</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Transgender M2F (in progress), United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Welsh was not included in the list of languages. It is a living language (1/2 million people) and should be included.</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
Overall, I'd say that almost every body modification that I've ever gotten has helped me spiritually and mentally.</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Jeez! Talk about a range of questions,... Uhm,... I have to say that I'm suprised at a survey like this, because there are so many facets of who I am that will never fit in a multiple choice survey,.,.. do we get to see the results?</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
another box I could have checked regarding reactions to my mods: work-related interaction with customers/clients has been positive, negative, and indifferent.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
I hope you can identify paticular trends across this mass of data you have collected, the result should be quite interesting. Another interesting question would have been, are you filling this form out alone or with friends etc...<p>

<p> </td></tr>

Age 16 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
i hope all this helps :)</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
I have to say that that survey was great! It actually ended up opening my own eyes about the way I think about and act towards certain things and situations! Nice one!<p>

<p> xx</td></tr>

Age 17 Heterosexual Male, China
There wasn't Hong Kong in the list, so I chose China instead.<p>

<p> Good luck with the survey!</td></tr>

Age 36 - 40 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Very comprehensive!</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Female, Canada
wow, that was indeed a MEGA survey! interesting questions</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
Great survey, I'm excited to see how many fellow members really do share my interests... oh, and of course, long live BME!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
I was a professional body piercer for three years, and my coworkers were my close friends, and also the ones that did my modifications.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
This wasn't on the survey, but it would be interesting to know what proportion of people who've done a suspension had some sort of out of body experience during it, and also if drugs had contributed to this at all. I've wondered about this for a while; when I did mine this didn't happen, although I wasn't really expecting it to, however I would have been thrilled if it had!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
BME's a great site! Keep up the phenomenal work!</td></tr>
Age 17 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I think this was a great idea for BME to do. I think the general public has definitely become more tolerant of modifications, since they aren't so rare anymore, but they are still not accepting of them and that's the problem. And hopefully if the public has POSITIVE information, like this, about modifications, that'll begin to change for the better. So thanks guys! :)</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Any reason for this?</td></tr>
Age 16 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Wow this was long... I hope to see more of these with such rewarding features in the future</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Heterosexual Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
doesnt include space to register that you my now only have one parent due to berevement in the jobs bit so i put down what she did bwfore she died</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
There's no Animisism in the list of religions.<p>

<p> </td></tr>

Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Canada
I think there are a lot of categories that are uncomplete in the sense that I could not finish answering them IE the answer I wanted wasn't there (and there wasn't even an other in some of those cases) or I was only able to pick one answer when more than one applied. for example on the question of abuse, or child shaping experiences, what about witness to abuse, I've never been beaten but i have watched my mother being beaten and watched my parents argue and mental abuse each other a lot. also what about threats of violence? i consider that to be different than mental abuse. these things probably shaped me more than anything else. Also because I feel that the survey is being done to dispel some myths, on that same tpoic why not ask HOW that shaped the person? the abuse in my family I think actually had a positive impact on me and my attitude was a positive one, but I think people see abuse associated with a person and presume that they have mental troubles because this and that might be what drive them to body modification. If I could make another suggestion it would be to maybe have one of these comment boxes at the end of every section. The reason I say that is because I wish I had written down all of my thoughts on the survey as i went through it because right now i can really think of one example of a problem with it, If I had been asked periodically I fell i could have offered more specific criticisms.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Man, that was a freaking long survey, but I am glad if anything helped you. I'm not a particularly heavy modded person, but I am glad that I am accepted none the less and made several life long freinds. Thank you.</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
you need to be a little more open to otehr countires: ie, your pricing is in dollars, schooling etc is described in an american light and so a little confusing</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
Shamanism should be separate from native american. Its world wide.</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Latvia
It'll be interesting to see what you do will all this information. And the treat of a free month on IAM is a great spur.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual Female, Canada
Awesome. Very extensive. Sometimes I think I'd have liked more variety in the choices.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
This is a great survey. I was surprised how many things were up there as choices, that I thought were unique or strange. I find this community more and more fits my needs as a growing individual. BME has been a wonderful partner in helping me find myself.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Sweden
Mycket trevligt!<p>

<p> Förhoppningsvis får vi läsare till BME ta del av materialet och statistiken!</td></tr>

Age 31 - 35 Bisexual Female, United States of America
I am so thankful that BME exists. As a piercer, I refer clients to the site on a daily basis. We show it to our customers in the shop. It has been such an important tool for me both in my personal modification pursuits and in my work as a professional modification artist. Keep up the EXCELLENT work!!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
On the part that says "What type of tattoos do you currently have?" i think it would be benificial to have "what type of tattoos would you want in the future?" as you did with the piercing question. <p>

Great survey!</td></tr>

Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
there was no choice for a deceased parent.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
i liked that you had wiccan seperate from witch! yay!</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I'm very faithful and content with the future expansion of body modification knowledge and practices. I feel that we're a part of the revival of ancient knowledge which has just started in the past 30-40yrs. The new age is coming about in which I feel a part of. Ancient wisdom and understanding of the universe and of our selves is what is happening now. And all of this is positive, and that's all that matters.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
wow that was LONG !! haha.. but i survived :D yay!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
thank you for creating this servey, i look forward to seeing the results.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
wow this was long, i hope you post the results at some point.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Damn, this survey took me 2 days to complete... shorter would have been nice!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
it would be nice to have a survey about interests such as writing, reading, drama, education, missionary, etc.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Great survey...I wish BME/IAM was still free...</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Female, Canada
I answered this survey more honestly then I would like to admit. It actly got me thinking about some important issues in life and society in general. You should recieve many thanks from this :)</td></tr>
Age 16 Heterosexual Female, Canada
woo hoo! that was fun!</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Gay/Lesbian Male, Canada
This is a very interesting survey but to place people in the subcategories as indicated in this survey to me is a little bit mundane. I personally feel that people of all walks of life, society, and economic back ground cannot determine who or whom is most likely to get a body modification. I am heavily tattooed, pierced, and in a proffession that I love and making decent wages.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Female, Canada
Question 8-16 was much to vague. I did not know how to answer it in a way that expressed how I felt.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
Some of the multiple choice answers didnt quite fit me.... perhaps there should have been more choices for some of the questions, I had to pick the answer that was "closest" to what I would say.... that may throw off you accuracy a little if others feel the same way.</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Bme is a wonderful site, and it's given many ideas on what i would like to do, as well as much information (i.e. aftercare)</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Canada
very nice. very thorough. i liked it a lot.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Canada
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I have found the nicest community i've ever experienced in the body mod community. everyone (pretty much) i've met through bme, my tattoo shop, adn just speaking on the street, have been open, friendly...and just all around great people. having mods, for me, is more than just ink under my skin, or metal in my is a lifestyle...a community...a kinship and connection with oehters which i have never before experienced</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Just an overall thank you for taking the time to create and adminster this survey - I hope the results will shed more light onto our culture and erase some of the stigmas and stereotypes that are placed upon us everyday</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, Australia
Interesting survey. I hope it gives some useful demographic information. I've no doubt some people are lieing (one of the perils of self reporting after all), but even then it should be more accurate than what is out there now.</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
That was fun.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I believe that there should be a space under the religion question for "Christian (Catholic)" I think it should be seperate</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
in question 12-11 you should add satanism as one of the religions. :)</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
Good job! Thanks for the opporunity.</td></tr>
Age 17 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Israel
I think it is a great idea that you are conducting this survey. As always, BME is wonderously great. I hope that the results of this will go towards greater acceptance for the modified in society.<p>

<p> Thank you again!</td></tr>

Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
i think this is a great thing you are doing, thank you.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Female, United States of America
I'll make it short and sweet... you guys are amazing. *^_^*</td></tr>
Age 17 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
If I took this survey in a year my responses would be much different. My being under 18 severely inhibits my ability to exercise my desires concerning body modification (having procedures performed, attending conventions/events, etc.)</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
I consider body modification to be a large part of the healing process in overcoming certain psychoses that I've had as a result of sexual abuse and drug addiction. Causing intentional injury by piercing and then healing certain parts of my anatomy allowed me to reclaim them, at least symbolically, and turn them into something beautiful to me again.</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
its strange to be human</td></tr>
Age 17 Heterosexual Male, Canada
this was a great survay!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
none. i love you bme!</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
That was really long.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
just regarding the survey itself, i kept wondering how many pages were left. :) maybe a little something letting people know "4 more pages to go", "3 more pages to go". other than that, the survey was quite interesting.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, Indonesia
long survey however some of them were too predictable</td></tr>
Age 16 Heterosexual Female, Canada
thank you</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
Fascinating...really required some thought at times. I can hardly wait to see the results.</td></tr>
Age 15 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
one of the answers for the scarification age section i think. It didn't make sense it said I do not have any piercings</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Damn that was long. Maybe warn people about the length.</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
This kept me interested unlike most surveys so thanks for it!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Gay/Lesbian Male, United States of America
For question 12-7 you may want to add a 'not applicable' or 'don't know, never done it' answer. Possibly the same for 12-6 just for completeness. I would have used that choice for 12-7 had it been there as I've never done anything ritualistic.</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
some questions seem to be more focused on younger kids who still live at home. Should be more focused on the public in any specific age group. Also, some questions seem to be focusing towards women by the way they were asked. Once again, needs to be more general. Other than that...good luck with the survey...I hope it goes well for you.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Nice survey a little personal, but still good.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Gay/Lesbian Female, United States of America
Just wanted to say that I think BME is awesome. I was kind of disapointed when I heard IAM was going to start costing. However, I am happy it is a low rate, and i fully understand that you would need to charge. I am more then happy to pay the amount to keep my IAM page. (I just hope it does not go up)</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Female, United States of America
just wanted to say that that was the LONGEST survey EVER!! lol i loved it but anyways you guys have the best page for mods and the best place to meet people with the same interest...thanks to you i have found someone and will be marrying him next year</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Gay/Lesbian Male, United States of America
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Good luck with the survey!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
right or wrong, war is human nature</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
couple typo's... haha... Great test. I enjoyed it.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, Sweden
LIfe your life and do the best and do what you wanna do. you nevewr no what happens the next day so take care of your time and share it whit the people you like mostly.... mats w.h.y</td></tr>
Age 41 - 50 Heterosexual Male, France
choice for job sectors are limited to 1 (radio-button) ... i have 2 jobs completely differents ...</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
I have realised fairly recently that the only real reason that I am limiting the number of mods that I have is due to public perceptions - not of the general public, but more practical necessary things like the ability to find work, etc. Basically my right to earn a living in the manner I choose. This fact infuriates me and I feel pointlessly heartbroken that we live in a society which holds such values.<p>

So it could be said that I have a political agenda, and it could also be expected that I will at some point disregard my concerns along these lines and go ahead and have whatever I want done to my body. I also believe in taking responsibility for one's actions, and so when I am ready to do this I will take the required action. I am not ready at this point in my life however, as I seem to be constantly in mode of transition! And I wouldn't have it any other way.</td></tr>

Age 41 - 50 Gay/Lesbian Male, United States of America
Cool survey. Both of my parents are dead though - put 'retired' for their occupations.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
One question about fathers occupation was difficult to answer totally correctly. There was no "unknown" choice so I had to choose other, implying I know that he has a job thats not on the list, while I actually have no contact with him and therefore have no idea about his job.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
That wasn't so bad!!!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
good survey. long.</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
thank you</td></tr>
Age 17 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
I think this survey is a great but long over due idea. The guestions are excelent and i think this will help the bod mod comunity greatly. <p>

Much thanks</td></tr>

Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
One of the questions asks about where you'd like to be tattooed, (I believe) and one of the answers is "stomache". I believe that is probably a typo. Also in the last question, about religion, Objectivism is not a religion, its a philosphy, at least the objectivism as conceived by Ayn Rand is not. Maybe there is some other kind of objectivism that I havent heard about, if thats the case than please disregard my comment.</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
awesome survery <3</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, Canada
some of these questions i couldn't answer because there was no option that applied to me.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
I thought a question asking if the removal of piercings was due to a job would have been beneficial</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
I love this census. Can't wait to see the results!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
that was a pretty good survey if ya ask me.... :)</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, Canada
Finding body modification has definitely improved my life in so many ways. At 16, I started getting urges to alter my body. My parents didn't identify with my obsession with it at the time, but then I found BME. I printed off scores of tongue piercing experiences, aftercare recommendations and anything else I could find here. After two years of begging and pleading, and showing them the extent of my knowledge and understanding of the procedure and care for a piercing, they finally agreed that when I turned 18, my body was my own. A month after my 18th birthday, I went to a local studio reccommended by some friends and had it done. I'm 22 now and have a few more holes than nature intended, as well as a few brighter colours, and I can honestly say that it has helped me grow into myself more than anything else in my life. And thank you personally, Shannon. You have given so much of yourself to all of us, know that it is appreciated and loved. I thank you for giving me access to the knowledge and the people that have made my way of life possible. I wouuldn't be here without it.</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Female, Canada
i usually hate surveys, but i liked the questions here, they were unusual and refreshing. thanks guys, you do great work</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Wow, long survey! Glad to help though.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
It has seemed that recently the sexual aspect of Mods is being handled with kid gloves. This is a mistake, it should be treated the same as all aspects of human function. A question useful to the survey was unfortunatly missing, that being; question(s) concerning the individuals opinion regarding the sexual aspect of Mods. For me, they are almost entirely sexually oriented, for others, maybe not, but I would've liked to know the percentages. Just a thought.</td></tr>
Age 16 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
thank you:)</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Female, Canada
i hope alot of people fillout your survey. i will be interesting to see the results..if they are going to be made public</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
Apprence you should differentate between work and non-work.</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
the public needs to educate itself more before making judgements .</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
wow that took a long ass time.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Thank God! That was long!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
very weird survey. yeah.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
WOW! That was long!</td></tr>
Age 17 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
happy to be of service :)</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Long Survey! When are the results going to be posted?</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
I wish more people getting tattoos would (a) save up the money to get it done big, not tiny, and (b) wear some goddamn sunscreen! √</td></tr>
Age 16 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Love you, BME! Just taking this survey helped me realize just how my mods have improved my life. I am a more accepting person of people's ways and opionions. Just wanted to thank you for being there for all of us modders, just to listen and when no one else in our society would.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, Canada
if war is murder then we are all alive today because ppl went off and commited murder. We in north america and europ are all living the lives we have because of the wars of the past. War may be called murder im sure, but dont knock it.</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Gay/Lesbian Male, Belgium
- eyebrow shaving is a form of minor modification too<p>

- when "cutting and pasting" some lists, the autors of this questionnaire have made some mistakes ("no piercing" in the scarification paragraph, ...)<p> - including info about the continent one is living in would be interesting</td></tr>

Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Nicely detailed survey. A few of the questions had no correct answer for myself but for the amount of questions asked a slight error on one or two's pretty much a triumph.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, France
hope my commenst will help you! I had a hard time deciding which job I should pick in your survey, as I am working at a major music label. So I am currently working in the marketing department, perhaps you can find another job description like "media" or something like that...</td></tr>
Age 17 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
I think body modifications was one of the most positive things that has happened to me in my life... even tho i got negative comments back it makes me more confidant on so many levels.</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Society likes to tightly fit and lump things it doesn't want to understand in containers...I have also lifted this banner for other issues such as Steriod use, which society tries to classify into a drug category it should not belong in...ignorance stifles many things</td></tr>
Age 16 Asexual Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
fucking happy i took part.good luck in all your findings!</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
The questions on how often you used drugs should be altered to include a choice of "In the past, but not any more" for those of us that used to do a lot of drugs but no longer do.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
BME and IAM are positive places for people like us. Keep up the good work!!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
i have eczema on my foot and it suuuuuuuuuuuuucks</td></tr>
Age 15 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
younger people should be allowed to veiw anyones site its not like we cant just type in a link for a porn site and say we are 18</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
thank you</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, Canada
Very intelligently written survey. You should be able to draw A LOT of conclusions from those answers...</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
A few things I would like to say without giving away my identity. As far as my survey saying I take my piercings out at work, but my employer doesn't have a problem with them. That sounds like an oxymoron so I would like to explain. I am an MMA fighter (UFC, Pride, etc.) so of course when I have a fight I have to remove any piercings. Obviously if I didnt they would be ripped out and it is illegal to wear any jewelry in the ring.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, Colombia
Age 17 Gay/Lesbian Male, United States of America
great survey!</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
hope that this helps out.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Venezuela
i'm a piercer...and body modificator too...i have no religion... thanks bme.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Always compare apples to apples and remember that correlation is not causation.</td></tr>
Age 16 Bisexual Female, United States of America
I love bme, and I miss it..<p>

-Nicki Amato</td></tr>

Age 16 Heterosexual Female, Canada
good survey... i liked most of the was kinda long but worth it for a free month of bme !<p>


Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
I am a Domme..and.. I hand out pain with doing play/permanent piercings, and alot of CBT stuff. I am sadistic.. hehe</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I love BME! I don't think you know how much this site has changed my life-because of my modifications, I am forced to hide so much of myself from my friends, family, and society, and this is the one place that have the chance to freely be myself. Thank you.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, Canada
wow.....that was longer than i expected</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Female, United States of America
I found it a bit odd you did not have Catholic as an option on question 12-11. I am Catholic.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Male, United States of America
my religeon in this context is simply...worldly..I beleive in all relgeons but in my own way.</td></tr>
Age 15 Heterosexual Female, Australia
thankyou so much for this site, it means heaps to me. It's incredibly useful, and if you ever need help in reviews etc. i'd be mor ethan happy to help out.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I think there was a typo on the scarification/piercing page - you may have copy/pasted the word "scarification" and forgotten to change it to piercing, or the other way around.<p>

<p> Thanks.</td></tr>

Age 22 - 24 Bisexual Female, Netherlands
some questions are difficult to answer, because it happened in the past, or will happen in the future. Some questions require a personal answer instead of a multiple choose, but all with all it was oke</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
nice survey very entertaining would do another one :)</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
that was in depth..</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Philippines
I wasn't sure near the beginning of the survey when it asked which of the following have you received and Medical Insurance was one of the options. I have always had medical insurance coverage but it was paid for or a benefit of employment, it wasn't government assistance. So I wasn't entirely sure if I should mark that I had received it or not as most of the other options were government assistance programs.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual Female, Poland
well i think its a preety good surveyi hope it helps<p>

ity helped me to clear a lot things about me<p> thank you</td></tr>

Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The most important one being, yourself.</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Bisexual Female, United States of America
Thankis. That was great!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
this was long but worth it.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Brazil
wow lonnnng ;)</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Female, United States of America
i believe that strong physical decisions deserve respect, and i believe that anyone who chooses a path of physical self-determination (through tattoos or suspensions or gender re-assignment) deserves respect.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I think this is a great idea, hopefully the general public will take the opportunity to get to know us a little better before they pass judgement on us.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Female, United States of America
best of luck with this project! =)</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
It's strange to take such a fitting survey, government census and what not never seem to be very interested in these kinds of questions.</td></tr>
Age 17 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
The IAM community has been one of the most positive influences on my life, the support and incredible number of perspectives found within the community has enriched my life more than social interaction at school, work, etc.</td></tr>
Age 17 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Female, United States of America
Would it be possible to post the end results on the main page? Or was that all part of the master plan? Now I'm curiouse about the rest of the world....<p>

<p> "Peer not into the looking glass, but deep into your soul, for if you study long enough you will find beauty there that your eyes will never know." - Hether Beezlee</td></tr>

Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
Your missing some STD.. You need an others box.. Or add HPV.. thanx</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
vague vague vague</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Glad someone put this together finally. keepon rockin shannon!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Gay/Lesbian Female, United States of America
The other language I'm fluent in is American Sign Language... I think it should probably be added to the survey as I've interacted with a number of deaf and hard of hearing people on IAM in the past.</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
Thanks for this was very revealing to myself!!!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Just want to say thank you :)</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
I did this survey on Wednesday night (July 16 at 11 pm CST), but after page two it crashed. hope that doesn't mess up your results.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
With regards to the scarification questions, i left them blank because i have never had what i would consider scarification done. I am however a self mutilator and do have scars covering both legs and part of my arms. This to me is not scarification though because the intent is never to have the scars is about the process of cutting my flesh open, which i think is completely different. It's about intent.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
this was a very long survey...and some of the things i have never heard of before so i didn't really know how to answer it...but i did my best.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Canada
I am happy to help bme does need the help of the comunity that it has helped create. That said I have all but removed myself from it due to the recent upsurgence of stupidity. I would love to see almost an elitest section of bme, that isnt joined through money or a who knows who, but in sheer intelligence and morals. I dont want to see the idiots of this world.</td></tr>
Age 16 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
This was fun.</td></tr>
Age 16 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
artsy. creative. imaginitive</td></tr>
Age 14 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
you guys rock</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Gay/Lesbian Male, United States of America
There was a typo on number 7.7 (i think). monthly was spelled montly</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Long Live BME!!</td></tr>
Age 17 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
wonderful job everyone. this survey really makes everyone who takes it think about the questions before they answer them. hopefully it will help to open the minds of the world. thanks for all your hard work!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
cool survey now wheres my prize ha!</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
Very nice!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Gay/Lesbian Female, Australia
A few words a bit fuzzy.... ie would I remove a piercing to get a better job. Remove as in take out for ever, or take out and put it back in when I get home? Sorry to be picky :D</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
In the occupation questions, you should have firefighter as a choice.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, Germany
12-11. What is your religion<p>


Age 36 - 40 Heterosexual Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
piercing is pleaurepain !!!!! dont knock it till youve tried it</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I love individuality, those that don't can go to church.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Glad to help out somewhat</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Gay/Lesbian Male, United States of America
Good luck! Hope that helps!!</td></tr>
Age 41 - 50 Gay/Lesbian Male, United States of America
Thanks. It was fun to fill out the survey. can;t wait to see the results. Some of the questions realting to school were odd because I;m the teacher.  :)</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Male, Australia
Cheers big ears!!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
I think this is a great thing to do for the community and I appreciate what you guys do for us.</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
hey, great survey--i hope it proves useful to general public awareness. just thought i'd mention that i noticed that a couple of questions were repeated :)</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
i think this survey has a lot of good questions that make you think twice before you answer. i thoroughly enjoyed taking it. thanks again.</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Male, Canada
Interesting, a lot of questions, but I am glad I took it. I havent had too much time to take a look at myself and I learned a little bit. Also I have come to understand why I would like more Body Mods and why. <p>

<p> Thank you.</td></tr>

Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I understand when it says normal as a choice in a question but its offensive. I'm normal....I'm me.</td></tr>
Age 41 - 50 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Survey too damn long, but I'm glad you put so much work into it. I look forward to seeing the results!</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, Canada
I found this survey interesting to take. It didn't take me 45 minutes and I'd gladly do more surveys in the future.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, Brazil
nice questionary</td></tr>
Age 17 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
this was fun.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
in relation to the questions about confidence, etc in relation to modifications, i think you should make separate questions regarding tattoos and piercings, because my piercings never did much for me mentally, but my tattoos have made me a million times more comfortable with my naked body.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, Canada
Whew! I crashed on page nine a half-dozen times before using netscape instead of ie. Great survey questions!</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
thank you for the chance to share a bit of myself and for the free month. much love.</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Female, Brazil
i liked this questions and i think they´re important for u bme =] tanx for make my life better =]</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual Male, Greece
whew. time for sleep.</td></tr>
Age 16 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
I hope you guys can start clearing up some of the bullshit about people with piercings. Maybe even break down a few walls of predudice. If you can change one persons mind, you've gone a good service :)</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
holy shit tht was long! i'm seriously about to fall over. some of it was pretty good, but kinda frustrating cos i never know how to fill this shit out. survey answers are so vague(sp?).</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, Brazil
GREAT! I just thought we would receive a "THANK YOU" in the end .. but ... TUFF!</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, Australia
From a personal view, body mods for me was not really a choice. I began by poking sewing needles through my ears when I was 8-10 years old. Sometimes 2 or 3 times a day. By the time I was 12 (in 1979) I had both my nipples pierced and 6 or so foreskin piercing. All of these hidden from my family. I had never seen anyone or read about anyone having these things done. All I knew was I enjoyed the way they felt and the way they looked. It wasn’t until the early 80's when I saw a picture of a beautiful lady in an "Easy Riders " mag that I saw a nipple piercing on another person. To this day I can still see her face, although I only saw the photo for a second. She had vert pierced nipples and a spider web tattooed on her fore head. What a day! The 1st time I knew that I wasn’t alone! Its hard to explain, I cant ever know why I was interested and pulled to body mods. But I am here and very happy to see it evolve.</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual Female, Canada
that was really really long</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Female, Australia
great survey. covered pretty much everything really. great work guys...hope people have been taking part and helping you out. xox much love to bme.</td></tr>
Age 17 Heterosexual Female, Israel
I would just like to add that some of the answers to the questions were a bit black/white and are not like that in reality.<p>

but non the less i wish you good luck in achieving your goal :) right on.</td></tr>

Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, Canada
When asking questions with multiple answer choices, including the not applicable check box would reduce the number of unanswered questions.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Netherlands
I enjoyed filling out this survey. I think it is a good idea. I'm looking forward to the results...</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Heterosexual Male, Germany
Very thorough survey - I appreciate the work it took to compile it. There is one scarification questions where one of the answers refers to piercings [I think it is the one about the age]<p>

<p> Thanx</td></tr>

Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, Canada
great survery ...cant wait for the results!</td></tr>
Age 51 - 60 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Male, United States of America
A very well constructed survey! Perhaps though, it would have been nice to have had a comments window such as this at the end of each section. Because now that I'm done with the survery, I can't remember some of the questions I wanted to comment on.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Canada
This was Cool</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Switzerland
every refference to my scarification was actually about self injury</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Heterosexual Male, Denmark
There was an error somewhere in the survey... think it was under "cutting", where there was a radio button saying "not pierced" or similar.<p>

<p> Some questions didn't fit the Danish society well. Some health insurances, e.g., are fully paid by society, so there's no choice whether to be insured or not.<p> <p> I'm not sure at which age I think people should be allowed to get pierced, tattooed, etc - but there was - AFAIR - no "not sure" option.</td></tr>

Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
Very impressed with the depth of this survey. Thank you.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Some of the questions seemed to be a little intrusive, but the "i'd rather not say" box was a nice touch.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, Finland
this was fun....</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
That made me think!!! Really interested in the results. Thank you for all your hard work!</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
I wish that morality and ethics were in a separate question. My own code matters a great deal to me, society's social codes far less so.</td></tr>
Age 16 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Female, United States of America
BME was one of the main things that helped pull me through a deep depression I fell into several years ago. I'll never be able to find a more kind, welcoming community, nor will I forget how BME helped me to finally figure out who I really am. You all have my eternal thanks.</td></tr>
Age 51 - 60 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
I am a very private self modifier. My mods do not show when I have on clothing / underwear.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I heart BME!</td></tr>
Age 16 Bisexual Male, United States of America
Woah. That was a badass survey, mad props to whoever wrote the code...</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual Female, United States of America
Thank you for taking this survey, I hope it helps this subculture in many ways!</td></tr>
Age 17 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Fun stuff!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I feel that there should have been more options in terms of questions such as "mothers employment" that would give the option of choosing "deceased" or whatnot. There were other comments I had, but Ive forgotten by now.</td></tr>
Age 36 - 40 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Male, United States of America
Great survey! I look forward to seeing the results.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
at times I felt a little concerned where this info would go to, but I am happy if it is fully anonymous for it to be used by bme for its own reserch, articles.. similar support of the site as I have been out of the loop for a while, but am not in the financial situation to contribute.</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
i was hoping that we as a public would have access to the results of this survey. totals and percentages and such. :)</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
well written. once again, thank you for caring so much about our opinions, and thanks for the anti-war tilt.</td></tr>
Age 16 Heterosexual Female, Australia
shannon larrett is god.</td></tr>
Age 17 Bisexual Female, United States of America
I appreciate so much that ya'll are doing this and that there are no assumptions made when giving answer choices.</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual Female, United States of America
I work at nights, so the sleep questions were a little weird to answer. I don't sleep at night because I sleep during the day, and just things like that.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, Canada
I wish there was some sort of comment box at the end of each questions, cause some of them I wanted to explain my point of view</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Brazil
thanks !!!!!<p>


Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Male, Spain
none, thanks</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Female, United States of America
Body art is beautiful. Aesthetics should be appreciated no matter the manner.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Gay/Lesbian Male, United States of America
I found many of the questions regarding sex to be too narrow for gay men. I also would have liked to be able to check off multiple boxes for some of the questions.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
looking forward to the published results of the survey, good luck!</td></tr>
Age 17 Heterosexual Female, Canada
That was very long.</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual Female, Canada
Wow that was long but very interesting</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
</td> hand went numb.<p>

lol<p> </td></tr>

Age 36 - 40 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
I found nothing to be intrusive, and found the questions to be fare and objective</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Austria
much too long. you should split up</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Female, United States of America
Keep up BME! Its been great for me. Thanks!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Sweden
goddamn thattook time! but it was a good survey.</td></tr>
Age 16 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
great survey</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
good stuff...can't wait to see it all done!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Thank you.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
There were a few mistakes in the survey that I noticed.<p>

<p> A) When asked about marital status of parents, you included "never married, but still together", but left off "never married, seperated".<p>

<p> B) GHB is not a psychedelic drug, to the best of my knowledge.</td></tr>

Age 17 Bisexual Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
huge survey!</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I had a fun time filling out your survey. It was long but it was certainly fun!...I hope they'll be more of these in the future! Keep up the good work guys!</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
I think for beliefs you should include a belief that regards 'philosophical' mindsets.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, Sweden
In some questions the answer "no" (or similar) was missing.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
there was a typo way far back towards the beginning. nice questions. very well rounded.</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
Just plan and simple, this survey was great. Very interesting and thorough.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
i love the site</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Female, Canada
Age 41 - 50 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
What's to be done with the results? If I may be so bold as to ask.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
that was awesome... thanks</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
quite a varied set of questions.. :D</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
thanks for making this survey. while it provides you with certain demographic and social information, it also made me re-examine my own views on modification and ritual.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
it stinks, therefore it's spam.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Male, Brazil
Very good survey.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
It was an interesting adveture, taking the mega survy!... Will do it anytime...</td></tr>
Age 51 - 60 Gay/Lesbian Male, United States of America
like to see the results and what your findings are</td></tr>
Age 17 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
Some of the questions were hard for me to answer because some of the choices had an umbrella of meanings to me... but i tried to get it answered as honestly and correctly as i could.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, Brazil
Bme is my life!!!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
damn that was a long ass survey! felt like i was takin the census!</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Male, United States of America
I enjoyed taking the survey and I do think that it is something that you should continue to do on posibly a yearly basis to track how people change over time</td></tr>
Age 61 - 70 Heterosexual Male, Czech Republic
If you check my age you will see that any reference to parents is difficult as they are both dead. Bound to be the case for someone who is 70.</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual Male, Canada
Lovely =D</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Female, Canada
Cool survey... I always enjoy them and I certainly loved this one!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Gay/Lesbian Male, Canada
I am very glad that this survey was composed and was happy to help.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, Canada
Cool survey...can't wait to see the results!</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual Female, Canada
Had fun taking this survey : )</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
this survey sure was super;)</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
An amazing set of questions. Thank you for the site and the chance to meet others like-minded.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, Canada
Sweet Poll dudes and dudettes.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, Italy
thanks for your great attitude!!!!! this looks a good idea!</td></tr>
Age 51 - 60 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
wow that was long!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Gay/Lesbian Female, United States of America
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, Denmark
Some of the questions are rather difficuelt for non-US people to answer due to the diffence in cultural context. Eg. I recieve "aid" from the state to complete my education at the University. It is common thing in Denmark and it is not seen as "aid" like in the United States. I know this is very difficult for you to handle, but I really would hope you would consider this when analyzing the data. Thank you.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
i seriously hope that this survey will give a better demographic, and profile of the modified community of people out there. i feel privliged (sp?) to participate, thank you.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Will there be any way to check the results of this survey? How exactly is it being used? just curious</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Some indication that one is nearly done the survey would be helpful.. Not knowing when I would complete the survey was a bit irritating.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Female, United States of America
Very good survey....very detailed.</td></tr>
Age 15 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I enjoyed this, actually.</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
i hate surveys, but actually enjoyed this</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
ahhh...i've missed bme so so looking forward to a free month...</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
my simple retort to inane questions such as "what will you do when you're 50 years old?" is "kids will be doing worse"</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
thanks for the survey, i am looking forward to the thing i woudl have liked / been interested to see included is in the "disorder" section with things like depression or eating disordersis BDD or body Dismorphic Disorder. This is something i suffer from and have suffered from for can lead to eating disorders but it is not one. it can lead to depression but is not is related to a bunch of other typical disorders but is still a seperate entity. I have wondered for awhile what the frequency of bdd among the "modded" is....if it is higher or lower then average....perhaps on the next survey it is something to condier including?<p>

<p> "Those who have BDD are abnormally preoccupied with a real or imagined defect in their physical appearance. For example, they may worry endlessly that their skin is pale, their hair is too curly, their nose is too long, or something else is wrong with the way they look. When others tell them they look fine or that the flaw isn't noticeable, people with this disorder don't hear or believe it. The person with BDD may also experience periods of depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts because of their preoccupation with their perceived flaw. <p> <p> Body dysmorphic disorder is a type of anxiety disorder. The disorder is different from eating disorders because it involves other factors besides one's weight or body size. Physical features or attributes are what provokes the person's anxiety and negative beliefs. Those with BDD have several 'cognitive distortions' about how they look. Cognitive distortions are distorted beliefs about a perceived flaw,"</td></tr>

Age 17 Bisexual Female, Norway
Somewhere in the line of quiestions, you ask when I had my first scarification. One of the alternatives say 'no piercings'. Just thought you'd like to know, so you can change it (not that big of a deal though).</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
i liked taking this survey. very good questions!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
As usual i would just like to say that IAM and BME are such amazing communities that i am so happy to be a part of.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
Thank you for having such a wonderful, intelligent, educated and informative website. It has been one of the greatest gifts in my life.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
all energy flows acording to the whim of the great magnet anyone is a fool to cross it</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
great survey... it actually showed me quite a bit about myself, that i didnt realize.</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
this is just for bme in general... you support (in a way, anyway) play piercing, and yet "self cutting" is seen as a bad thing... the only substantial difference between the two of them, in my opinion, is the fact that cutting leaves scars. it's still about the pain. it's still about the process. i don't think that approaching "cutting" in this way will positively influence its occurence... it will just make it more of a taboo thing to talk about. though i do not condone it, i just don't like the light it's shown in on this site, especially compared to the other more radical ritual acts. i speak as a former cutter, and i have done play piercing, so i do have some insight into this issue. this is my opinion - maybe you could do a poll about it or something, to see how others feel. thanks.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
This was a very interesting and inclusive survey from the standpoint of minority persons. I think perhaps it played to some stereotypes, but perhaps you were trying to negate them by specific inclusion. Thanks.</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, Canada
i appreciate the effort</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Female, United States of America
HPV should be added to the list of possible STD's. It causes genital warts, but in women it another strain causes cervical cancer. I had HPV but had to say none in that part because it wasn't an option, eventhough it's one of the most common STD's.<p>

<p> Also, on the religion part, you should be able to choose more than one. I'm an agnostic witch that attends a UU church, so it was hard to choose.</td></tr>

Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, New Zealand
good survey</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Asexual Female, United States of America
In some ways, I like my mods more than I like myself. They are their own entities, and without them I wouldn't feel whole. It's symbiotic, to me.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
i hope that this helps bme out in some way!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
thanks for ansking me to take your survey !</td></tr>
Age 16 Bisexual Female, Canada
there should be an "other" option for gender.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
There's no option for having a shaved head in the appropriate section, but there is one for shaved genitals.</td></tr>
Age 41 - 50 Bisexual Female, United States of America
I have a clitoris piercing and would be curious about stats on that but I didn't see a category for it (as compared to clitoral hood, etc.).<p>

Also, this collection method doesn't allow for stating the number of current piercings, just which ones, but not what quantity. I'd be curious about that figure too (average # of piercings per respondent). Otherwise, it was GREAT! Thanks and good luck</td></tr>

Age 16 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
best of luck to BME!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
Wow this thing is long. Some interesting questions.</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
i believe that more then 50 perscent of the people i know have tattoos, and of that 50, 75 are girls.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
Wonderful survey!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, Spain
very good test!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America

very versatile possibilities of anwser</td></tr>

Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
thanks for offering this as a way to get an IAM membership again. <3</td></tr>
Age 17 Heterosexual Female, Italy
Awesome survey!..definately worth my time. I love BME and I know I will be back soon!</td></tr>
Age 41 - 50 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Whew! Great tool for values clarification--I'm surprised at how much ambivilence I hold. Politics & Religion were the two toughest. I wanted to choose two religions, but it wouldn't let me; for the record, I call myself a good Taoist-Episcopalian. Thanks for sweeping out some cobwebs!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I was surprised at the lack of "status" (do you own such and such) questions.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
Can't wait to see the results!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
I think this is a wonderfull thing you're doing...</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
That was enlightening. Thanks!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Sweden
Two words..."ph-" and "-ew"...that was one long survey.</td></tr>
Age 17 Asexual Female, Canada
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Body Modification is truly a wonderful thing. No matter how accepting the "public" may get on the subject, it will still be the individual's experience that truly holds the meaning. Personal revolution, oye!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, Canada
Survery was pretty freakin' long, but definately worth it!<p>

IAM : dummy</td></tr>

Age 19 Bisexual (primarily gay/lesbian) Female, United States of America
I hope this survey helps further explore the diversity of the modification community. My only "real" complaint is that my eyes feel a little wonky from staring at the computer screen for soon long, but no big. But, on a slightly more serious note, I felt the use of radio buttons on the last question to be a little constraining. As a Taoist Christian who worships God as a woman and man at the same time, I was stuck with just picking "Christian" for my faith as the most important tenets of my faith come from Christianity and I really didn't want to mark "Other." Still, I feel my faith is more diverse than that. Just thought I’d relay my minor "concern." Good luck with the data!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Australia
This is a great survey.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Thanks, for everything.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Canada
This was fun thank you very much<p>


Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
thank you.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
BME is Super!!!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, Greece
Great survey, hope the best for the Iam community!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Wow, very extensive, my congratulations to all those involved</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
I wish I could feel as comfortable and at home in the real world as I do in the IAM community. I get my modifications for my reasons, which means I don't have to explain myself to "normal" people... so I wish they would stop staring at me like I owe them an appology.</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
holy shit that was long</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, Canada
Excellent survey .. I enjoyed thinking and answering.<p>


Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
That was the best survey I have ever taken!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
damn, that was the longest hour of my life<p>


Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
i hope this survey helps lower stereotypes made upon people with modifications.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
i kept expecting to be filling out the last page.....sure was a long one!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, Slovakia
I love BME and IAM!!! Thanx Shannon and other people that have helped myself and the others as well to decide about our modification.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I love BME!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I'll be interested to see the results. Good luck with compiling the data!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
love thanks so much!</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
Boo ya!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Female, Canada
what is this survey for? and do i get a free month of me I AM?</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
Wow! long and very thourouh survey!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Gay/Lesbian Male, United States of America
Oy, was this a long survey, but worth it.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, Canada
Age 18 Heterosexual Male, Canada
fuck that was long, and i dont think you can gain much, plus you left out alot of questions(infinte amounts) everyones the same, you cant class us into groups by this.. different same flips the tricks</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I hope that this survay will enlighten all the hard asses in the world who think that just because you look a lil different dosent meen that you worship the devil or want to kill yourself or others or eat lil children. I hope it lets them know that some of us are good people or even better people than the ones pointing their fingers.</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
Very well rounded survey. Cheers!</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I love IAM, and i appreciate helping you in anyways possible.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
You should let people sign up for more than one religion. I feel that I adhere to more than one.</td></tr>
Age 16 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
MEGAsurvey was right ;]</td></tr>
Age 18 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, Canada
i think that everyone should be able to be themselve without having societies view affecting them just because someone looks different doesnt mean they are any less of a person</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
after years of supporting this community, i stepped back and realized i wanted very little to do with most aspects of it. while i still love my tattoos and i appreciate a few people who are active in this community, i find that most people on this site and those similar to them are desperate to be a part of something that they haven't found. i found that one thing, i found my way, and i no longer really feel the need to be a part of this type of community</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
i like santa.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
a help would be to tell people how much they have left to see a light at the end of the tunnel so to speak.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
This is a long survey, I thought about not completing it.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, Canada
I think it would be a good idea to have survey's once and awhile through Iam members and to post some of the results, it would be interesting to read about how much ppl in the body mod scene have in common, if u choose to do regular surveys I will defenitly participate</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Sweden
thx 4 a gr8 site! :)</td></tr>
Age 15 Bisexual Female, United States of America
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
One STD not mentioned is HPV Human Paploma Virus. I didn't know I had it untill it was too late..... My fiance is now infected.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Damned that was long :)</td></tr>
Age 15 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
This survey is far to long!<p>


Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
man this survey was way long.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Seems like a well thought out survey. Definitely biased towards the sort of people you want to attract. Expect to see yearning 16 year olds answer with what they think will make them look cool in your eyes.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
a few of the questions seemed "off", like too general, covering something that could be taken either way</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Male, Benin
thanks for the free month. great questions!</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
yeah shorten it!!! some of us have lives to get on with!!</td></tr>
Age 19 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
I'm grateful for the chance to take part in something like this. It's wonderful to have a chance to make an impact on an issue I feel so strongly about. Thank you for giving us this opportunity, and hopefully this survey, along with all the other work you put into this field will help to clarify some of the misconceptions surrounding body modification.</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, Canada
that was really long.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I'd suggest using SSL encryption in an effort to encourage truthful answers. Given the state of data communications and privacy, things such as this introduce paranoia -- anonymous on your end, or not.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Keep it up guys, and happy to help.<p>

<p> Long live BME, Death to BME!<p>

(there's an old one for ya!)</td></tr>

Age 31 - 35 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Awesome, comprehensive survey...Thanks for putting it together. Love to see the results.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
This is the longest survey Ive ever done IN MY LIFE. Hope this info helps you out though.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
you did not include activist/non-profit as a job description.</td></tr>
Age 41 - 50 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
body modification is a way to open peoples hearts and minds</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Female, Canada
I love this site..and I'm glad you gave us the chance to do this survey</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
i hope this helps</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
I have to say that it was a very interesting, impressive and well put together survey. I enjoyed taking it.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
an interesting survey, made me get all introspective there for a while.</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Female, Canada
Long but not boring!!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
my hand is tired</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Japan
My wrist hurts from hold my mouse so damn long!</td></tr>
Age 17 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
During this time and membership with BME has been extremely positive.Its a place for people with intrest alike to join and communicate. To know that there is a huge community with the same common intrest is comforting.I can't thank BME enough for everything I've learned, friends I've met, and putting it out there that we have the right to treat our bodies as our own and encouraging others to do so.Thankyou! IAM Jessicka_(Mixmasterette).</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Canada
i learned a bit about myself that i normally wouldn't admit</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
Travel beyond the thoughts of mind.<p>

Find ways to leave the flesh behind.</td></tr>

Age 17 Gay/Lesbian Female, United States of America
That was extremely interesting. I am very happy to have been a part of that. I had to look into myself and it was quite rewarding feeling that the selections I made were my honest answers. Thank you!</td></tr>
Age 17 Heterosexual Female, Canada
Just a note, I wasn't raised Christian, and the fact that I'm born again does not mean that I stand on a soapbox and judge people. I find that having mods allows me to relate to others with mods a lot better on a social level and when I tell others about my faith. I mean what does Billy Graham mean to a metal head anyway? Basically when I became Christian I didn't change my appearance, it wasn't something I needed to or wanted to do.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Thank you for letting me answer</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Netherlands
Honest to fucking christ! If you guys have any more surveys coming up soon I'll be happy to read and answer them, thanks!</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Denmark
Vey interesting questions. I'm very curious where this leads. One thing missing though: It's not possible to check off that a partner did piercings on me, which to me is very significant emotionally. <p>

And it's not possible to check that I don't tip a tattoo artist, which would be very unusable to do in my country. Tipping is not normal in my country, only voluntarily in restaurants, A tatto artist would find it weird to get a tip ...</td></tr>

Age 22 - 24 Bisexual Female, United States of America
This was great and made me realize more about myself that I would overlook on a daily basis!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
this survey was very interesting.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
long but fun.<p>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, Italy
just one thing: thank you for bme</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
This survey made me do alot of thinking about myself and myself. I really liked doing this because it is 100% anonymous. I hope I still get that free one month subscription promised. My expiry is in 2 weeks and I am a poor fucking student now. Boohoo me. BYe</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Panama
Dear bme team:<p>

<p> I did this survey because I very much want to join the iam community again. I miss it so much!!! It's like I never used to write bejore iam and now it is a need. plus I miss everybody there.<p> <p> </td></tr>

Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
Thank you!!!</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
its good that this is being will be very interestng to see the results!</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual Female, United States of America
i hope this was very interesting :)</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I feel like I just wrote an essay on how my life translates into numbers and boxes. lol</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
very cool survey, I had fun answering it, :-P</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
fabulous megasurvey.</td></tr>
Age 17 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
severe anorexia is how i'd explain it.. my body was just not mine.. it didn't fit picture i wanted in my head but with piercing and body art i slowly made it my own and by doing so i helped get over most of my anorexia and achieve a little self happiness.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I feel that there is an unfair or biased slant on the question about freedom of speech; included in the question as examples are the words "racism" and "child porn."<p>

<p> Pedophilia does not qualify in the slightest for the protection of freedom of speech, as it is a criminal act, morally, ethically, and legally.<p> <p> Although I do not condone racism in any form, it is a belief, and in and of itself is not necessarily harmful to others, only to the person holding those beliefs. Unless of course the belief that you are a superior race initiates some sort of aggressive or violent act towards someone else, in which case it stops being under the protection of freedom of speech and becomes an unlawful act of violence.<p> <p>

Basically, I think the question is skewed due to the examples given. Child pornography is NOT a belief, it is NOT an act that is protected by freedom of speech, it is an abhorrent act that is maliciously and willfully forced upon another, it is child RAPE. To use it as an example of freedom of speech is akin to putting "rape" in the example, as child pornograpy is an even more reprehensible act, no matter how you slice it.<p> <p> I am incredibly offended that anyone would possibly consider child pornography an act that could possibly fall under the freedom of speech, and I seriously question the ethics of the person that has the audacity to place it there as an example. <p> <p> You might as well have used the words "rape," "murder," and "incest" as examples for the protection of freedom of speech.<p> <p> "I may not agree with what it is you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."<p> - Voltaire<p> <p> It is doubtful that Voltaire or our forefathers that started this country intended freedom of speech to be a protection for acts of forcible sexual violence against ANYONE, most ESPECIALLY children.<p> <p>

Futhermore, whoever wrote this question obviously has little to no understanding of the actual meaning of freedom of speech. For even the most basic comprehension of it, one only needs look at the phrase itself, "Freedom of SPEECH." Freedom of speech protects what you SAY and what you WRITE. More specifically, freedom of speech was intended to protect our citizens from the retribution of our government in regards to criticisms about it; hence "freedom of the press," et cetera. i.e., freedom of speech is NOT applicable to ACTIONS, only to WORDS.<p> <p> Do not give me a free month; instead, give me an explanation as to why this question was worded this way. My username is Spasmolytic. I am including my name in this comment form because I do not want my questionnaire used in any sort of survey, as I feel that the aforementioned question completely invalidates the entire survey.</td></tr>

Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
It's a little too long</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual Male, India
woof!!!! at last finished. i have never been so straight about myself like here.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
I think the wording of the "intelligence" question is a bit hokey. :)</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Female, United States of America
thanks for bme</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
Hope this Helps.</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, United States of America
thanks for doing this. it's about time someone undertook a serious analysis.</td></tr>
Age 18 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
very thorough.</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
this was a long survey but a fun one</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
I liked this survey</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Female, Canada
Very Fair Questions,</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United States of America
Good survey. Shows some helpfull insights on yourself. Thanks.<p>

<p> -Micah</td></tr>

Age 25 - 30 Heterosexual Male, Thailand
hope that helps :)</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Gay/Lesbian Female, United States of America
to each their own. :)</td></tr>
Age 31 - 35 Bisexual (primarily heterosexual) Male, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Thx for the survey-I'd be interested in seeing the results :)</td></tr>
Age 19 Heterosexual Female, United States of America
I love being a part of BME. I have never had any problems with anyone in the community and would like to thank you for having such an open minded place for people to come to. I hope to stay a member for a very long time.</td></tr>
Age 22 - 24 Heterosexual Male, United States of America
Age 20 - 21 Bisexual Female, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
wow that took me an hour, i think i need to lye down</td></tr>
Age 25 - 30 Bisexual Female, Australia
Most of my over 80 piercings were collected during the most rebellious and turbulant times of my life, thus far. The majority while I was only employed part time and was depressed/angry/aggressive. My piercing experiences, since I have gotten some semblance of a life plan together and begun taking responsibility for my actions and words, have been more positive and self oriantated and less angry/fun/shock/still for me/just wanted to prove that I could do it for myself/because i can. I like getting mods more and more as I age. I THOUGHT it was fun and something that I loved then, now it's so much better. There are so many more things I can do now that I wouldn't have even thought of when I was young and stupid! If I had tried some of my current mods then, I would be broken and mis-formed. I would have over done it, harmed myself and been left with a mod I diddn't like. Save the serious mods for 21 at least! You have all the time in the world. Don't rush! Plan every last detail! You'll love it so much more! It will be so much more of an achievement! Thankyou bme! You rock!</td></tr>
Age 20 - 21 Heterosexual Male, United States of America

See Also