Russ Foxx

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Russ Foxx
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Birth Date March 9, 1982
Birth Place Alliston, Ontario, Canada
Death Date Living
Occupation Writer, piercer, scarification

Russ Foxx is a body artist specializing in precision piercing, advanced modification, scarification and ritual experience.

More specifically, his practices include body piercing (freehand, temporary & conventional), adult piercing, surface piercing (punch & taper), pocketing (microdermal anchors & flesh staples), scarification via scalpel, large gauge dermal punches, body suspensions and pulls, transdermal & subdermal implants, tongue splits, ear sculpting (pointing, repairs), eyeball tattooing, etc.

Russ has been practicing modification since 2001. He owned and operated a studio in Southern Ontario (Foxx Works Inc.) before moving to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada to continue his artistic growth.

Body suspension plays a major role in his life and who he is today. He has personally experienced over 100 suspensions of different types with varying amounts and sizes of hooks; including vertical, horizontal and modified suspensions. Russ is the founder of The RISE Suspension Crew (a Vancouver-based suspension team) and frequently hosts indoor and outdoor SusCons all over Canada. Some of his hobbies include sideshow and performance art, so he can often be found touring and doing shows.

Russ is a board member of the Church of Body Modification as well as a panel member for AskBME where he answers body art-related questions for the public.

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