Madison Piercing

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Madison piercing

The Madison piercing is a piercing placed horizontally, slightly above the center of the collarbone, at the base of the neck (jugular notch).


Healing and aftercare

As with any surface piercing, it is important to avoid irritation of any kind when caring for a madison. Like most surface piercings, the Madison has a high rejection/migration rate. Placement is important when getting this piercing. If it's too low, clothing will tend to irritate it more than necessary. If the piercing is too high, skin movement will cause irritation and increase the risk of the piercing migrating or rejecting.

Long term health issues

Migration/rejection, potential for impact damage, and an obvious scar when removed! So take care of it unless you want two holes on your neck!


Madison piercing jewelry may be a surface bar, a CBR, or a curved barbell. Jewelry will depend on placement and aesthetic ideals.

History and culture

The piercing is named after the porn star Madison Stone, the first person to make the piercing popular. Rasmus Nielson is the first known person to have this piercing.

Related risks

Rejection and migration are both risks since it is a surface piercing.