Talk:Urethral Reroute; 2

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I believe this article needs to be edited. The reference to stretching the reroute to allow penetration needs to be removed. The is reference vague. On my initial readings I made the assumption that the penetration was by an erect penis. My own experience with self done reroutes suggests that penetration by a Q-tip might be more likely.

I have done some experimenting and much research on self done reroutes and have come to the conclusion that the tent and cut method described in this article will NOT lead to a successful and stable reroute. There are no BME Experiences that describe a stable self done reroute and I have searched high and low to find someone who claims to have a stable self done reroute, without success. The only successful and functional reroutes that I have found reliable information about are those done surgically.

I believe that is article should be edited to reflect the fact, which (IMHO) is that, although the tent and cut method is easy to do (well, relatively), it is essentially a play piercing.

I have made three attempts at the reroute method described in the article because I believed what I read. I now no longer believe the article is accurate. I would appreciate some help in editing this article.