About Me & Contact Info
Shaman.tml aka IAM: Shaman
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Tiffany. Female. 28 years old. Residing in Southern California.
Why I'm Here
I have a fair amount of HTML, CSS, JavaScript experience. I started off my adventure on with absolutely no wiki experience. I have written and/or edited enough wiki entries to have the basic formatting committed to memory. To other wiki editors (especially the new folks) I would recommend clicking "edit" on any page where you are curious as to how a specific affect was accomplished. You can learn alot by watching what others have done. It's sure helping me! After you click edit and see how it was done, just click "back" on your browser. You aren't actually editing the entry - just seeing what the formatting text looks like.
My main reason for starting a wiki account is to add new material on Mycosis (fungal infections/fungal infection). I have noticed a lack of information on this topic, and I think many people would benefit from knowing the causes of Mycosis, and knowing the difference between mycosis and bacterial infections.
I have moved on to writing on other topics of which I have personal experience. I am here to write more than edit. Hopefully others will help fix my grammatical and spelling errors.
Now, I am working on Spirituality. I'm considering attacking Religion next (oops, not "attacking," I mean working on), depending upon how spirituality goes.